How To Decide On The Best Uterine Fibroids Treatment

In the past if a woman discovered that she had a fibroid the only uterine fibroids treatment available was a hysterectomy. There was no other way to eliminate it without taking out the uterus. History has shown that women who did not get care often died as a result of their benign tumors. Although medical advances have been made which include new options doctors still state that they do not know the reason that creates fibroid tumors. It is important to know what choices you may have to remove or eliminate the tumors that you have.

The latest new procedure for those with a fibroid tumor is uterine embolization. This practice calls for blocking the blood from the tumor so that it dies off. This is normally used on women that have tumors which are small in size. This will cause pain from the dying of tissue and blood vessels. Toxins will be created which the body will absorb or eliminate from the system.

Minor laser surgery can also be used to remove tumors that are small in size. They can be removed vaginally, or through the navel. This procedure has a quick recovery time and can be done with the least amount of problems.

To help reduce the size of many fibroid tumors doctors will often prescribe prescription shots that stop the female body from the production of estrogen. This has been shown to make tumors become smaller. If the fibroid is large it will make it easier for removal by surgery. If a woman is near menopause she may choose to use this until she no longer gets her monthly period naturally.

If one wants to remove or cut off the part of the uterus which has an abnormal growth they would consider a myomectomy. This is for women that have large tumors or multiple growths that cannot be removed normally. There is often a longer time to heal after surgery, but it provides an option to get pregnant at a later date.

A hysterectomy is one of the final options that women have. It is major surgery that removes the entire uterus from the female body. This may also include removal of one or both ovaries. If both ovaries are removed this can place a women immediately in menopause as the ovaries help provide the body with estrogen and progesterone. Unfortunately, after getting this procedure it takes away any chances that a woman will have for getting pregnant.

Many women decide to choose natural remedies for fibroids to ease the symptoms of fibroid tumors and eventually shrink and get rid of them. They can use vitamins, supplements, and exercise. Many are under the care of a naturopath or other form of Eastern therapy. Some find that they do not want to use harmful medical treatments that can create side effects. Others want a second opinion and another chance at childbirth.

There are many uterine fibroids treatment options that women can choose from. All treatments will not work for everyone. However, it is vital to keep current on the latest trends and methods that exist so that you have a choice in what you decide for your body. Doctors can prescribe medication, or preform surgery to remove them, but they can always return. The location, size and age of your body will make some methods preferable over others.

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