Your Wisdom Teeth Could Cause You Problems if They Are Not Removed

Did you know that if you don’t get your wisdom teeth removed, it can cause problems? Your wisdom teeth, also known as your third molars, need to be taken out sometime in your life. Most people have their wisdom teeth removed while they are a young adult. Wisdom teeth removal is very important to your overall health.

Wisdom teeth do not have enough room in your mouth to grow in properly. If you wisdom teeth are not removed early on, they can become impacted and your teeth will get pushed together causing more dental problems. Wisdom teeth removal is a very common and simple procedure. Your dentist will tell you when you need to have your wisdom teeth removed. Your dentist will take x-rays of your mouth at your dental checkup, and he will be able to tell if they have started to come up yet. Once your dentist has confirmed that you need to have your wisdom teeth removed, he will refer you to an oral surgeon.

An oral surgeon does the wisdom tooth surgery. You will be put under a general anesthetic. Your wisdom teeth removal should be fairly simple if your wisdom teeth are not impacted. If they are impacted, the wisdom teeth removal surgery will be a little more difficult and time consuming. Once you wake up from your surgery, you will be really groggy and pretty tired. You should plan on taking a couple of days to recover from your wisdom teeth removal surgery. You should have someone that can help you, and take you home from your procedure.

Your oral surgeon will most likely give you a pain killer to help with your wisdom teeth surgery recovery. Some common side affects include pain, bleeding, and swelling. As far as the swelling and bleeding are concerned, you should not experience bleeding and swelling days after your surgery. If these symptoms continue to get worse, then you should see your oral surgeon or dentist to see if you have developed an infection. Your oral surgeon will also give you some wisdom teeth recovery tips on how to have a smooth recovery process. A couple of things that you want to avoid include, smoking and drinking from a straw. Doing both of these things can increase your risk of developing a dry socket. A dry socket is when your bone becomes inflamed and it is very painful. You want to do everything you can to avoid developing a dry socket.

Getting your wisdom teeth removed is a big part of your oral health. To keep on top of your oral health after your wisdom teeth are removed, you should be taking excellent care of your teeth. You should be brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing, and using mouthwash. Doing this will help your mouth heal after your wisdom teeth removal, and it is a good practice to have throughout your whole life.

Wisdom teeth removal is very important, you should get your wisdom teeth removed as soon as your dentist tells you it is time to. Most dental insurance plans cover your wisdom tooth surgery, so you should take advantage of getting them removed as soon as you can. Wisdom teeth removal is a simple procedure, and you should not be hesitant in getting them removed.

Your Wisdom Teeth Could Cause You Problems if They Are Not Removed

An oral surgeon does the wisdom tooth surgery. You will be put under a general anesthetic. Your wisdom teeth removal should be fairly simple if your wisdom teeth are not impacted. If…. Learn more at Wisdom Teeth Provo and Removal

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