Facts About The Easy To Use, Cleaner, Healthier Vapor Cigarettes

Vapor cigarettes are a recent revolution in consumer technology. They allow smokers to get their nicotine fix without the tar or tobacco. Without the dangers of secondhand smoke, they can be used in public places and on city transportation safely and legally. These devices can be used as part of a routine to stop smoking, or as a healthy alternative to the traditional cigarette.

The vapor cigarette works by delivering the nicotine as a mist of liquid nicotine. There is no tar, tobacco, or carbon monoxide, though some have added flavors, and they come in various strengths. The mist is inhaled, then exhaled in a steam that looks like smoke.

The reason the e-cigarette is promoted as being clean and healthy is because it is just pure, liquid nicotine. Nicotine does not cause cancer, tar and other carcinogens that exist in the traditional cigarette are not present. It is important to remember, however, that the FDA has not approved of the electric cigarette and there may be unknown health risks that have not been tested. Overall, present users have reported feeling less fatigue and have been able to live healthier, more energetic lifestyles as a result of eliminating the poison the once existed in their daily smokes.

Because it is not a real cigarette, it is legal to smoke the e-cigarette on trains, planes, and in public places. While paper cigarettes create litter as well as a fire hazard from improperly discarded cigarette butts, the electric version leaves no litter behind. There is no harmful smoke. Most law enforcement officers will recognize the electric cigarette as legal to use.

Secondhand smoke is not a health risk with the e cigarette. Parents often make the switch for the sake of their children. Avoid using the cigarette while expecting or nursing an infant. Those who are not already addicted to nicotine, especially minors, should be kept away from the electronic cigarette, as it is still addicting and created to help those who already have a habit.

Quitting smoking with the e cigarette is easier and safer. Users can taper down their usage to less and less and keep track of how many cartridges they use. However, some users choose not to quit and prefer to only use the electric cigarette as an alternative to their daily smokes.

Quitting smoking without any kind of aid is just so difficult because the brain is unable to function chemically without nicotine. Without the nicotine high, users cannot feel normal and are often anxious and irritable. Using an alternative nicotine source and monitoring dosages is the best way to slowly adapt to coping with less nicotine.

All smokers can benefit from using vapor cigarettes, whether they are trying to quit or looking for a way to feel healthier without quitting. This alternative also saves money and is better for the environment. With an electric cigarette unit, smokers can thrive and live longer.

Visit water vapor cigarettes and learn about vapor cigs, if you still need more information, visit compare smokeless cigarette to help you find the best there is.

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