You Want to Get Healthier. Will Eating Probiotics Every Day Achieve This?

If you’re interested in great health then there’s many things you can do to stay fit and healthy. Having a good digestion system is probably one of the most important. Digestion plays a huge role in good health. But does eating a daily dose of probiotics products have any role to play in good health?

In your digestive system there are millions upon millions of tiny bacteria. They aren’t unique to you, everyone has them and without them we would all be in deep trouble. These bacteria play an extremely important role in maintaining your general health and the health of your digestive system. And if the bacteria get out of whack then this can be a problem.

And there isn’t just one type of bacteria in your intestinal system, there’s many. Some are good for you and some are not so good for you, so it would seem to make sense that it helps your health if you keep the balance of bacteria in your intestine loaded towards the good bacteria.

That’s the principle behind probiotics products. They are supposed to be stacked with all sorts of good bacteria so that when you eat them you ingest these good bacteria which then help to re-establish the balance of healthy bugs in your intestine and thereby maintain your health and improve your digestive system.

On first glance this seems very reasonable. After all if it’s possible to be unhealthy if you have bad bugs in your system surely eating lots of good bugs is good for you? But do probiotics products actually achieve this?

The first problem is that it’s impossible to tell how many bugs are actually in the product. Maybe there were lots to begin with, who knows, but how many are there when you eat them?

And which strain are you getting? There’s various strains and evidence shows that different strains of bacteria can perform different functions. There is evidence, for example, that increasing some strains can help again specific health conditions, diarrhoea being an example.

But do you know which strain you’re getting? Do you know which strain you need? Because probiotics aren’y just marketed to people with specific health problems, they’re marketed to everybody on the basis that they will make you healthier generally.

So is there evidence that probiotics make you healthier generally? Far be it from me to say, but the European Food Safety Authority, who are required to examine health claims made for a wide range of products and consider whether or not these health claims are supported by solid and credible scientific evidence has had over 180 applications lodged in support of health claims made for probiotics products.

And so far it has rejected every single claim. Not one has been approved to date. That’s good enough for me to conclude, as the EFSA has done, that the evidence in support of health claims made for probiotics products is insufficient.

Of course it’s still true that a good digestive system is important for good health. Whilst it seems there is inadequate evidence that probiotics improve your digestion that doesn’t mean that there are the other more effective ways to improve digestion and stay healthy.

To find out more about other ways to do this visit my website

Visit Peter’s website Probiotics Products to find out more about improving digestion to help keep you healthier.

categories: probiotics,probiotics products,digestion,good digestion,better digestion,improve digestion

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