Why Men Should Put In More Time In The Kitchen

Mother knows best. This is the usual line that we hear. The cook in the family is mostly the mothers. Because she knows their favorite foods. In the present time, mothers are already working to help the husband in providing family needs. This is why the fathers are now learning to do kitchen chores sometimes.

The sad thing about overworked parents is that they tend to prepare easy to cook meals which result in unhealthy meals that make their children obese. In fact, there is a correlation between the amount of time spent cooking in the kitchen versus the rate of obesity in the household.

Statistics further show that though forty percent of men can cook any time within a period of two weeks, only thirteen percent of meals at home are actually prepared by the father.

Sad to say, this statistics is going down. Latest research shows men no longer appreciate cooking and view it as a worthwhile obligation.

Due to these facts, there has been a drive to change the way fathers view the kitchen. In fact, new cooking shows, food magazines, and websites are targeted at the male audience in order to make cooking more attractive to them.

But despite all of these, lost of men still remain not interested in cooking. Women however, can help this . Women should try to involve men in this activity. Sharing recipe collections might be good and encourage men to cook.

Another way for getting a man to view the kitchen more positively is to involve the whole family in meal preparation. Fathers who are close to their children enjoy being able to share an activity with them

Once the fathers and their family become comfortable with the fathers cooking, more families will take their dinner at home more often.

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