What You Should Understand Concerning Enlarge Prostate

Older men are more at risk of suffering from an enlarge prostate. If there is a delay in the treatment of the problem, it will hinder the flow of urine from the bladder. This will result in urinary tract infections, bladder problems and it may cause kidney problems.

Most of the fluid that is present in semen is produced by a male organ called the prostate gland. It sits below the bladder. The urethra is a tube that facilitates the passing of urine from the bladder through the penis. This tube goes through the middle of the prostate. When the gland enlarges, the passage shrinks and this blocks the flow of urine. The reason for this happening is not fully known, but it is suggested that the change in hormones in aging men may be responsible.

The severity of the condition varies and often worsens over time. The symptoms include a weak urine stream and a stop start action while urinating. It may be difficult to start urinating. There may be straining whilst urinating. A feeling of not completely emptying the bladder may be present. The urgency to urinate frequently is another symptom.

Other symptoms include blood in the urine and you may have a urinary tract infection. Impaired kidney function and the formation of bladder stones may occur. Older men are the ones most at risk. Males who are under forty years old are not at as much risk as those who are over sixty years old. If this infection has been present in your family, you will be predisposed to it. The incidence of suffering from this is more common in white and black men.

Your doctor will order several tests to enable him or her to find out the precise problem. A rectal examination will be performed. This will allow the doctor to check if the prostate is enlarged and also to check if there are any potential cancer related signs. You will be required to have a urine test. A urinary flow test will be performed. A biopsy may be performed in order to either rule out or identify cancer.

As soon as it becomes extremely difficult for you to pass urine, this condition will be treated as serious. When you are unable to perform urination at all, your doctor will have to insert a catheter to enable drainage of the bladder. This will involve pushing a tube into your urethra or he or she may insert a tube via your lower abdomen.

When your bladder has not been totally emptied for a period of time, it could cause damage. The weight of a full bladder will create pressure on your kidneys. This could cause kidney damage or infection may be transferred to your kidneys.

Ensure that you urinate when you feel the urge, do not put it off. Try to limit taking decongestants or antihistamines as they tend to tighten those muscles which control the flow of urine. The usual treatment for enlarge prostate is medication. Surgery might be recommended if your symptoms are very severe or if the medications are not effective. You will also have the option of using herbal treatments for this infection.

Get the exclusive inside skinny on all you need to know about common Prostate Problems now in our Enlarged Prostate Symptoms and signs overview.

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