Common Hemorrhoid Remedies

Exercising is a great alternative for hemorrhoid patients to couple with their hemorrhoid remedy. Even little things such as light exercise can help with the blood flow as well as ease the pain you feel around the infected area.

An effective hemorrhoid remedy is the sitz bath. A sitz bath can help in easing pain that is caused by hemorrhoid protrusion when it is under a lot of stress. A sitz bath is essentially sitting on three to four inches of hot bath water for fifteen minutes to relieve pain and to relax the sphincter muscles. Remember, this procedure uses only bath water since adding anything else might result in skin irritation around the hemorrhoid area.

Zinc Oxide paste or Petroleum jelly can help as a hemorrhoid remedy. Research shows that petroleum jelly as well as zinc oxide can be just as effective in both soothing and hemorrhoid swelling. Simply put a small amount zinc oxide or petroleum jelly on a cotton ball and apply on the infected areas to reduce the swelling around the anus. Remember, keep the hemorrhoid clean but don’t use any scented soap or body wash as this might cause skin irritation due to the chemicals they contain.

Low fiber diet can also factor in hemorrhoid growth, if you have a low-fiber diet you have hard stool – and hard stool don’t bode well for your anus because of the swollen area around it. Psyllium seeds are a hemorrhoid remedy that might just help you out. Psyllium seeds are essentially fiber supplements that soften stool so that it will be less painful if you go the bathroom to do your business.

If you have a poor fiber diet, then it can’t be good for your hemorrhoids. a poor fiber diet causes hard stool – which in turn, causes constipation.

Click here for more info: hemorrhoids and what are internal hemorrhoids symptoms

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