What You Have To Know About Protein

Because protein is the number one selling supplement, there is a lot of marketing behind it. After all, companies want to make money off of their superstar.

Unfortunately, all the marketing has led to mass confusion for the average consumer.

So here are 6 truths about protein that you are most likely unaware of:

1. Your body has all the machinery necessary to store it as fat: In fact, it’s quite easy for your body to store dietary protein as body fat. And a lot of fitness experts state that this isn’t the case. Thus, if you eat large quantities of protein you can gain a lot of weight.

2. It doesn’t preserve muscle protein: Eating more dietary protein will not preserve your muscle protein. In fact, you are far better off eating carbs for the preservation of your lean muscle tissue. So never take carbs out of your diet.

3. Too much dietary protein will wreak havoc on your body: Too much of any single nutrient is bad for you. And protein is no exception. Not only can it make your body very acidic, but it can also make exercise very painful in the absence of carbs.

4. You will feel the fullest on protein: Of all the different macronutrients, protein does give you the biggest decrease in hunger. Thus, it’s in your best interest to eat as much as possible within the healthy range. This will give you the best results.

5. Every extra gram you eat excretes one to one and a half milligrams of calcium: Thus, if you chronically overeat protein, you are more likely to excrete too much calcium. So keep this in mind if you do eventually decide to go on a high protein diet.

6. Water is critical for proper protein digestion: You see, your body needs seven times more water to digest protein in comparison to carbohydrates or fat. Thus, make sure you hydrate properly and consistently when you are eating lots of protein.

Protein can be a confusing subject if you listen to all the marketing hype. So make sure you follow the tips in this article.

Author Katherine Crawford, a fitness expert and former brachioplasty sufferer, instructs on how to get rid of flabby arms. Figure out how to get sexy arms by visiting her website with advice on how to avoid a brachioplasty arm lift now!

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