What Snoring Is And Ways To Get Rid Of It | Why You Snore And How To Manage It

Snoring, medically known as stertor, is the production of noise during sleep as air moves through a narrowed airway. More stertorous sound has been likened to the noise made when sawing logs, but this can be milder in some. Snoring affects at least 30% of the population.

As mentioned previously snoring happens when inspired air moves through a narrowed airway. This narrowing can be caused by several factors. Stetor is particularly common among males and those of senile age because these cohorts tend to have narrower airways than others. Other factors include body alignment during sleep, local inflammatory or infectious processes, obesity, and certain drugs.

Most people dismiss snoring as harmless. On the contrary, stertor can be a part or instigate bigger health problems. Snorers may also concomitantly suffer from sleep apnea. The oxygen supply in the body is compromised when the airway is obstructed. To rectify the imbalance the brain attempts to kickstart breathing by waking the person up intermittently in the night, causing the individual to feel fatigued or wake up to a throbbing headache. The snorer is usually unaware that they intermittently snore then snort when they sleep. Sleep apnea is potentially life threatening as this may lead to brain hypoxia.

The kind of snoring cure that you can use is contingent upon the cause of the stertor. Obese individuals will greatly benefit from losing weight as this will also cause a decrease in the fat tissues surrounding the airway. Treating local inflammation, and smoking and drinking cessation will also decrease snoring. Companies have also manufactured snoring cures and these are widely available. An example of which is an anti snoring mouthpiece.

These appliances bring your lower jaw or your tongue forward in order to maintain an open airway even during sleep. One major criticism of anti snoring mouthpieces though is that if not properly fitted it can cause more problems than good. Another snoring cure is an anti snoring pillow. By forcing the body to assume a side lying position, there is less likelihood of a relaxed tongue causing airway obstruction during sleep. Snoring not only affects the individual but those around him as well. While it can be life-threatening, the complications are prevented or mitigated with prompt management.

Snoring can be fatal. Fortunately there are a lot of snoring cures. Snoring causes and other treatments can be found here In the event that the article above helped you and you want to know about the subject given, visit anti snoring mouthpiece and snoring pillow!.

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