Ways You Can Take to Stop Smoking

Addiction is defined as a compulsive physiologic and psychological need for a habit forming substance. One of the most challenging addictions to break is that of nicotine. Research have shown that nicotine’s habit-forming effect is at par or even exceeds that of cocaine and heroin. Aside from its habit-forming effect, it also increases the release of epinephrine in the body which in turn causes an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration. Nicotine tricks your mind by pairing danger with pleasure.

As you probably know, tobacco contains hundreds of harmful chemicals that cause a myriad of health problems, lung cancer being one. Some believe that since smoking is a learned behavior, hence, it can be easily unlearned. In reality, the reason which compelled people to try smoking is not the same reason why they can’t quit it. Cessation is difficult primarily because nicotine activates the circuitry inside the brain that regulates feelings of pleasure and euphoria.

Deprived of its usual dose of nicotine, the body reacts by manifesting unpleasant symptoms like edginess, headaches, inability to sleep, and intense craving for cigarettes. Ideas on how to quit smoking There are several ways you can do to decrease your dependence to nicotine from tobacco. First, is unassisted cessation or cold turkey, the idea is you quit smoking abruptly and completely. Three quarters of those who successfully quit smoking used this technique, proving that this is indeed quite doable.

Alternatively, you can use nicotine replacement therapy like patches or other single medications like varenicline. Another option is using electronic cigarettes which gives you the same sensory experience without the harmful chemicals.

Smoking Cessation Alternatives Natural ways to quit smoking can also be employed. For example, herbs like St. John’s Wort is said to exert the same effect as the single medication bupropion. Acupuncture, is a reasonable option as well because it can help you relax by taking some of the edginess. Another natural quit-smoking method is exercise which can help with withdrawal symptoms of anger, and irritability.

Understandably, it is hard to quit smoking. It is best to take it one day at a time. Cut down to quit, that is either reduce your number of sticks per day or smoke only a fraction of a cigarette. Also, surround yourself with people who will encourage you to forge on and to steer clear of potentially tempting situations.

If the content above helped you and you want to learn about the subject given, visit natural quit smoking and quit smoking ideas

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