Three Solid, Take Home Hemorrhoid Treatments You Can Try

No one likes hemorrhoids, as this condition can be irritating at best and extremely painful at worst. It’s a good thing that there are some hemorrhoid treatments that you can get from home and from your doctor. Basically, you can treat them on your own if they aren’t that bad, but if the condition doesn’t get better, you must see a doctor. The hemorrhoid remedies that are discussed below have worked for a lot of people.

Perhaps the most powerful treatment for hemorrhoids is simply drinking more water. This leads to softer and more regular bowel movements as the water helps to flush out your body. Dehydration leads often to constipation which contributes to the hemorrhoid problem. In addition to water which is always important, you can also get hydrated by drinking pure vegetable and fruit juices. It might be a good idea to get a juicer. Fiber helps to keep you regular and prevent hemorrhoids, and fruit and vegetable juices provide this as well as hydration. However, the most important substance to ingest is still water.

A simple, completely natural hemorrhoids treatment is garlic. Garlic has effective healing ability and powerful anti-inflammatory properties. You can take garlic in many different ways. Ingesting garlic capsules are often an easy way to take it, though you can obviously eat it in foods. You don’t have to worry about garlic breath and they are far more concentrated. Garlic can also be applied externally to hemorrhoids to reduce swelling and pain. You can make a garlic compress by placing a teaspoon of crushed garlic on a square gauze. Reduce inflammation and kill harmful bacteria by applying this to the anal area for ten or fifteen minutes.

In rare cases, natural or over the counter hemorrhoids treatments are not sufficient to treat the condition. Sometimes hemorrhoids need to be surgically removed only because they are advanced and the symptoms do not respond to other standard treatments.

The information we’ve discussed here involves only a few of the treatments available for hemorrhoid flare ups. Your symptoms and the underlying cause will depend on many factors. Even though hemorrhoids are not usually to serious, you don’t want to ignore them, if they are untreated they can get worse. Trying several treatments before you find the right one is not uncommon. If your hemorrhoids come back you will know what treatment works for you.

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