The Worst Excuses for Not Working Out and Staying in Shape

When considering getting back in great shape, people get very resourceful when they try to come up with arguments not to do it. The fact is that, when we’re still getting in condition, working out isn’t fun; working out is hard work. Getting in good condition doesn’t necessarily feel great, in spite of the endorphin rush most of us go through afterwards. Although we occasionally get endorphin rushes, our muscles and joints go through ache, we get exhausted and for a while we more or less dislike our bodies. It’s no surprise that we’ve been so adept at finding other things to do with our free time! The following are some of the dippy excuses many people use when they do not desire to exercise.

How frequently do you tell yourself “Sure I’d love to get a lean body but I do not have enough time for exercise”? This is probably the overall worst excuse to make when you do not desire to exercise. The fact is that there is usually time to exercise because you can workout while you are doing other things.

Here is an example; you can take the staircase at work rather than the elevator. You can pack a healthy lunch and go for a walk on your lunchtime break instead of just hitting a drive-thru. You can certainly go walking around your workplace or do smaller exercises while you are on conference calls. In the early evenings, you can easily get in an exercise session while you are watching television. There is time; you simply have to be ready to search for it.

How frequently do you tell yourself that you will exercise later, when you can afford some great equipment or maybe a fitness center membership? That’s merely unproductive and avoidance form of behavior. You really don’t need any expensive exercise equipment or a gym account to get in shape as you can work out at home using videos on the Internet or that you’ve loaned from your local library. You can also do workout routines you come across in fitness books and magazines. You have no need for anything more complicated than your own body and some room to move yourself in order to get in shape.

Do you think to yourself “I would really like to get in shape but physical exercise would make me feel stiff, sore, and worn out”? Quit doing that immediately. The simple truth is that yes, when you start out, your regular workout is going to make you exhausted and uncomfortable. As you become more fit, working out gets easier. Start gradually so you don’t sense that you might be killing yourself every time you work out and increase stamina and strength. After you have built these things up to a nice level, you are going to start getting the rushes of endorphins that you have heard so very much about. Stay persistent – you will discover them sooner or later and you are going to see that physical exercise can be quite fun!

There are numerous different excuses not to get in shape right now from not having the perfect products to feeling like you just don’t have time. You need to be delighted to find out that getting healthy and fit can be worked into your lifestyle regardless of what you’re wearing, the amount free time you will have (or don’t as the case may very well be) and what sort of exercise products you already own.

There will always be some obstacle, whether real or imagined that can keep you from doing your body or facial exercises. But if you really want to lose face fat or body fat, you will surely find a way to do so.

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