The Sugary Decay: Why you must Keep away from Sugary Sweet treats

When we were young, i was always told to clean our teeth afterward. Sometimes it already feels as though a chore, an occasion consuming routine, or even sometimes a task that people can skip as we’d like. Children have a tendency to do what you want because of the limited knowledge; they believe sometimes it puts them in peril. Sweets is the number 1 temptation for youngsters, and it is the main enemy of children’s oral health.

Almost every candy, chocolate, and all the other food stuffs that a child consumes, there’s always food debris that gets left behind on the mouth, leaving it lodged in between one’s teeth and buying the top enamel. Once it sticks to several elements of the mouth, it gives you enough nutrients for streptococcus bacteria to live on on and causing these to multiply and plaque to create fast.

It’s not the sugar itself that creates this to happen, but because of other activities too. Sugar in pre-packaged drinks and food is sold with other ingredients made up of various substances which may be harmful to your tooth. This is how cavities begins so quickly. The bacteria eats the food debris as soon as they get full they excrete a specific acid that targets the enamel; 1 minute your tooth is okay and the next thing you realize you have a decay and you’re facing the problem of loose teeth.

Since we now know the unwanted effects of sugary sweets to your teeth’s health, let’s try to understand how to curb sugar cravings or what alternative recommended food groups to consume and finally fix loose teeth. An obvious alternative will be the “No Sugar” snacks. If you’re a health buff, you might have a few of these available but these snacks also appear in supermarkets and grocery stores so you can look for them anytime. Another better alternative to munching on sugary sweet snacks is, well, eating fruits! Instead of trying to get a bar of candy, a pack of chocolates or even a bag of chips, get yourself a healthier alternative which is as sweet when you are craving for.

Fruits make the perfect alternative than candies for something sweet to appease your tongue. Keep a standard of fruits within your fridge like watermelons, pears and grapes. Apples are very filling and won’t pack a fat punch as much as a calorie-loaded chocolate and nut bar. You can also opt for sweet strawberries when they are in season. Strawberries are among the top fruits you need to be gobbling anyway, due to the rich mineral and vitamin content.

Want to find out more about fix loose teeth, then ORAMD site on how to choose the best dental health for your needs.

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