And God Said: Let Them Be Rich – Understanding Biblical Prosperity

Let me tell you a secret – I used to find it extremely difficult, unpleasant even, when people talk about money and God in the same breath. I mean, didn?t one scripture verse command, “Thou shall not serve both God and money?” If this were the case, will the successful entrepreneur making a living to provide his family a good life be condemned? Are either needy and noble, or wealthy and lost?

Increase Reading Speed Successfully

Some people mistakenly assume that speed reading is relegated to students pressured to read all pertinent information before that critical exam. Well, many times this has been the savior of many a light hearted student but make no mistake-speed reading has a wider scope than that. It is an invaluable skill that will allow you to retain a larger volume of knowledge in a shorter amount of time-a quality many progressive companies are looking for in individuals. Here are some great tips on how to increase reading speed that will help propel you to excel professionally.

The Power Of Prosperity Prayer

Want to know a profound truth often overlooked? God wants to bless you with abundance and prosperity. It says so in His Word. Sometimes we think the Bible is only a book about religious stuff but it’s more than that. It speaks of practical matters of utmost importance in our lives today. Ok so we know God wants you rich, now what? Is there a prosperity prayer that will get Solomon’s wealth to your doorstep?

Tips on How to Improve Mind Power With Super Foods

Brain and body. Both work off of one another. What you do for your body, you are doing for your brain so it makes sense that feeding your body garbage will in effect feed your brain garbage as well and both will reap the negative effects. Below is a list of foods you can use now and some tips on how to improve mind power by feeding your brain these super foods. Doing so will help enhance the mental and cognitive abilities of the brain.

Are You Having A Panic Attack?

You might have experienced your heart pounding, along with shaking and shortness of breath. You instantly become frightened without much of a warning. This could have happened while you were driving, sleeping or awake, or even while you were at work. Perhaps it’s the first time it’s happened, perhaps not. If it’s happened before, you know you are in no danger, but you are still feeling uneasy about it. If, instead, this is the first time it’s happening, you are probably terrified.

Crisis Management 101

Everyone should have some knowledge on crisis management. Whether you are preparing yourself for a crisis situation or if you are responsible for a school full of children, it is necessary to be prepared. You can find many sources on this, and it would also help if you analyze your individual situation. There are actually many types of crisis management situations.