Massage Chairs Can Reduce Dependence On Drugs For Pain Relief

If you suffer from pain in the lower back for instance, what are your options for relief? In essences there are two paths you can go down. There is natural pain relief and there is pharmaceutical pain relief. Massage therapy is a natural method of pain relief used for centuries. Massage chairs provide an automated way for us to receive massage therapy versus taking a drug like methadone for pain relief.

Myofascial Pain Syndrome Treatment – Key Things You Should Know

Myofascial Pain Syndrome Treatment, still somewhat misunderstood hypothetically if not practice, have proven good for those who have invested in it. However, the jury remains to be out on the evidential proof of precisely why these treatments work. Nevertheless, regardless of what the discussion may be about the conundrum, it has not even stopped. Many of those who suffer from the ailment of myofascial pain syndrome from seeking relief with these treatments.

Dealing with Fibromyalgia: Massage Chairs Unmistakably Help

One of the challenges of fibromyalgia is that it is not well understood by the medical community. All that is known is that certain people are more at risk in developing it than others. There are various symptoms which can include widespread pain, fatigue and even disturbances to sleep. One of the biggest challenges is that there is no known cure. Most treatments offer temporary relief of the symptoms.

Consult Your Local Physiotherapist If You Are Having Shoulder Injuries

Good glenohumeral joint function is essential for several sporting and work tasks and any physiotherapy centre will testify to shoulder pain causing a considerable loss to quality of life. Your glenohumeral joint is a complicated joint. It is known as a ‘ball and socket’ joint and depends heavily on the ligaments and muscles (called the rotator cuff) to give it stability and allow for normal function. It works very closely with the cervical spine as well as the thoracic spine (area between shoulder blades) to allow full and pain-free motion. The intricate structure of this joint causes it to be very susceptible to injuries. There a wide range of causes of glenohumeral joint issues which range from significant injuries such as dislocation and bone fracture, to strains of the rotator cuff muscles and to pain which begins gradually and progresses with time. The key to effective treatment is in correct diagnosis. This can only be done from a detailed assessment by way of a physiotherapist.