Brainwave Frequencies – The Key to Your Psychological States

What’s a brainwave? When our brain is in operation, uncountable billions of neurons communicate with one another by sending electric signals to each other. When a doctor or research technician hooks electrodes to our our scalp, a representation of those communications can be seen using an EEG (electroencephalograph). This type of representation is displayed as…

Spiritual Life Coaching – Everything in the Universe is Resonance

Everything in the universe has its own unique resonance. Forms that share a common resonance will always be attracted to one another. Even though male and female genders are opposites that attract, it is really the “likeness” in each individual that attracts them to one another. Similar mental, physical, and spiritual resonances also attract. As the saying goes, “Birds of a feather flock together.” You don’t see many doves hanging out with eagles. Similarly, there will always be an underlying strata of like frequency between individuals in a group or tribe as well as those sharing a particular ideology. This “like attract like frequency” phenomenon is known as the law of attraction.

Online Life Coaching – Shadow Work for Relationships

Our shadow gets projected onto others when we don’t want to face whatever is too painful to accept in ourselves. And so we do everything to keep these traits, behaviors, or issues out of sight. By ignoring them, we act is if they are not there. But not only does this bolster them, these same repressed angers, hurts, or shameful behaviors will get projected onto our mate in the forms of blame, judgment, and condemnation.

Attain Confidence That Never Fails

Confidence creating has constantly had an aura of hidden knowledge surrounding it. Many people who have high levels
of self confidence don’t go around discussing the way they first got it, which leads the general public to believe that
they acquired that confidence naturally. In almost all cases, this is just not the case. Yes, some individuals might
naturally have greater self-confidence than others. However, you can’t have enormous amounts of confidence
naturally. Attaining the highest levels of confidence demands work, and lots of it. If you’re looking to gain
high amounts of self confidence, you’re fortunate. We now understand exactly how to achieve more self confidence,
and acquire it rapidly.

The Importance Of Green Jobs

The effects of the financial crisis in the world may have been obvious. A change was needed and implementing new concepts in the economy may be required. The need for green jobs was increasing in the last years, especially since the environmental concepts became more common for humanity. The interests of the economic side and the environmental part of the world can now be joined together, as they can serve the main purpose: an economic growth using nature protection methodology.

The Importance Of Low Carbon Jobs

Low carbon jobs are part of the new trends in employment, and this can be possible because new markets are created, which require workers in the low carbon field. The areas where these employment opportunities exist refer to alternative transportation, energy renewal, production, distribution, assembly and many others. People can find such jobs in all possible social levels.