Online Life Coaching – Shadow Work for Relationships

Our shadow gets projected onto others when we don’t want to face whatever is too painful to accept in ourselves. And so we do everything to keep these traits, behaviors, or issues out of sight. By ignoring them, we act is if they are not there. But not only does this bolster them, these same repressed angers, hurts, or shameful behaviors will get projected onto our mate in the forms of blame, judgment, and condemnation.

If you’re in a relationship now and there are things about your partner that you despise, then those same things may also be found somewhere within yourself that you are trying to hide. For example, if you are always accusing your partner of being greedy, you may want to take a deeper look within and reflect on the times in your life when you have also been greedy. If you’ve been criticizing your mate for being lazy, then think back to times when you were lazy. Write down every occasion you can remember in your life when you displayed the same exact qualities that you are hating in your partner. This is called “shadow work” and it is very helpful in resolving conflicts in relationships.

The law of attraction guarantees that our shadow projections will return “like for like.” Therefore, we will naturally attract to us in relationships a partner who will also be projecting their own shadow “junk” on to us. They may be harshly critical of us. If this is the case with you, then an online spiritual life coach can help you to become aware of your own shadow projections so that you can face them and heal them.

Healing your shadow takes a little time because most people have many shadows and have been keeping them well hidden since childhood. Keeping the “skeletons in the closet” will only worsen your dysfunctional behavior and prevent you from growing into a conscious being. Only by addressing and healing your early traumas will you be able to transcend your shadows and subsequently stop projecting your own “garbage” onto your partner.

Facing and transcending your shadow is a necessary part of your transformational journey of Self-realization and spiritual enlightenment. An online life coach who also an expert in shadow work will be able to help you to discover your primal wounds and work toward healing them. Once this is done, your shadow projections will automatically dissolve. As a result, your relationship with your partner should improve. If it doesn’t, then it may be time to move on because you have outgrown your partner.

In 2007, Online Life Coach, Jason Lincoln Jeffers founded The Art of Transformation, a company devoted to teaching Spiritual Enlightenment to the masses. His Online Life CoachingSkype program uniquely synthesizes spiritual wisdom with ego transcendence, holistic wellness, life path astrology, shadow & pain-body work, heart-brain intention, the power of presence, and the law of attraction.

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