A Primer On The Ketogenic Diet Plan

Ketogenic diets, commonly known as Ketosis diet plans, are diets that includes very little amounts of carbohydrates. As you may already know, carbs are often the bodys primary source of energy. Carbs release energy directly into your body, which is crucial to its normal functioning. Whenever you restrict your intake of carbs the body has no energy to burn, which could essentially mean you die. So, this is a really good point that the body understands how to handle the situation.

Are Green Drinks Beneficial To Your Health or Just a Fad?

You might have heard of powdered “green drinks” and how these drinks affect your pH level. Did you know that your body’s pH level significantly affects your health, for better or worse? Using a diet that brings up the alkaline level of the body is a new concept. The contention is that an acid pH level leads to disease and . Therefore, the answer is to stick to foods that are high in alkaline. That is the reason adding green drinks to your usual diet is so important. Think about getting a mix of green vegetables each day in a glass of water. For most people, this is more palatable than eating so many vegetables.