Wellness Coaching – Your Brain was Designed for Ketones

We Americans spend 17% of our GDP on healthcare. That’s roughly double what other countries spend. So, if we’re spending $1.2 Trillion a year, why are so many of us dropping like flies from epidemics such as cancer, heart disease and stroke? I believe that the major contributing factors include our stress-induced lifestyle, diet, and our body’s inability to rid itself of harmful toxins. More specifically, most diseases in our culture are directly related to our dependency on sugar for fuel.

Wellness Coaching – The Dangers of a Sugar-Based Diet

It takes about six to eight weeks (depending on the person) to reprogram the body to become accustomed to living on ketones, rather than glucose. When it does, you’ll find that it is well worth the time and effort. Diets that are high in sugar and starch have been shown to cause insulin-resistant problems such as diabetes, hypoglycemia, ADHD, hypothyroidism, irritability, and severe mood swings. Other health related problems from a nutrient-deficient, high starch diet include irritable bowel syndrome, acne, yeast infections, migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, acid reflux, and systemic candida.

Health Counseling – Leptin; the Hormone in Charge

When the body depends on sugar for fuel, it impedes the normal functions of leptin, the “chief” of the hormonal chain of command. Leptin is in charge of your pituitary hormones, which regulate your thyroid functions. The thyroid gland controls how quickly the body uses energy, makes proteins, and governs how sensitive the body should be to other hormones. If you have chronic fatigue or are cold all the time, it’s probably going to be thyroid related.

Wellness Coaching – The Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The health benefits of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids were discovered in the 1970s by researchers studying the Greenland Intuit Tribe. The Greenland Inuit people consumed large amounts of fat from seafood, but displayed virtually no heart disease. The high intake of omega-3 fatty acids by the Inuit actually showed to reduce heart rate, triglycerides, blood pressure, and atherosclerosis.

Wellness Coaching – The Benefits of Upper Cervical Care

In 1995, I was introduced to a specific type of chiropractic care known as “upper cervical care”. At that time, X-rays were taken by a chiropractic physician of my skull and upper spine and it was revealed that I had developed an abnormal curvature of my top vertebrae known as a vertebral subluxation. I was then shown an X-ray of a normal, healthy spine and the difference was dramatic.

Wellness Coaching – Shifting Your Fuel from Sugar to Ketones

When you eliminate sugar and starchy carbohydrates from the diet, the brain begins to shift its source of energy for fuel from glucose to ketones. Ketones are the energy units found in fat. Not only does the brain prefer ketones over sugar for fuel, it operates much more effectively and efficiently on them. As a result, you won’t need to consume as many calories as you did as a carbivore. This allows you to maintain your ideal body weight without having to go on starvation diets.

Wellness Coaching – Getting Your Vitamin D from Sunlight

Recent studies have shown that Vitamin D lowers the risk of cancer (including skin cancer) up to 60 percent in men and up to 77 percent in women. It has also been shown to prevent type 1 and type 2 diabetes, reduce inflammation, prevent seasonal affective disorders, help prevent Parkinson’s disease, help prevent cardiovascular disease, help prevent autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as help support brain health. Al Sears, M.D., in his book, “Your Best Health Under the Sun,” said that “we are designed, cell by cell, as creatures of the sun….[vitamin D] may be the single most important organic nutrient for your over all health.”

Wellness Coaching – The Importance of Protein in the Diet

The human body consists of over fifty thousand different proteins. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are essential, meaning that they must be derived from the diet and cannot be recycled by the body. These essential aminos are: L-tryptophan, threonine, lysine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, valine, and phenylalanine. Without the intake of a complete protein from the diet, a healthy protein synthesis is simply not possible.