Careers In Architecture

A career in architecture comes with the promise of wealth and fame. It is one of the few avenues where your creation will stand for years to come and will be available for people to admire. There are many career options in architecture. Depending on qualifications and your skills, you can choose from a number of architectural careers including that of a landscape architect, an architectural engineer, a corporate architect, an architectural historian, an interior designer or a draft person. To land a good job as an architect you have to get a degree in architecture from any of the top architecture schools.

You do Need a College Education: Here’s Why

If you have ever asked yourself whether it is worth it or not to pursue a college degree, you have probably first considered the economic aspects. It is clear from all available evidence that someone with a college degree will earn more in his or her lifetime than someone who does not have a degree. However there even more compelling reasons to continue your education beyond high school and I would like to present them to you.

How to Get an “A” on Your Next Essay Test

One of the biggest challenges facing high school and college students is how to write essays that earn the highest grades possible. Learning how to deal with an essay test and learning how to write clear and intelligent essays is perhaps one of the most important academic skills that you can acquire. I would like to share a few tips that I hope will help you to “ace” your next essay test.

Speed Reading

Nobody actually knows when speed reading was first used, but it might have been a long while in the past. For hundreds of years, reading was the privilege of a small group of the most well-educated individuals in the world, the overwhelming preponderance of whom were monks and priests. This tiny, select group of men protected their privilege and were loathe to train the general public to read. Moreover, throughout those centuries there were relatively few books to read compared with nowadays. Books were also very dear as they all had to be written out by hand. Conceivably the only fact that has not altered is that the Bible was the most common book in existence and even now the Bible is the most popular book.

College Scholarships

An education is one of the most important investments that you will ever make in your life. It is something that you must have in order to get a good job with a very good salary. College education in particular will get you the position that you want with a salary that will be more than enough to live your everyday life on comfortably.