Stomach Flu Treatment: Are You Sure Your Doing The Right Thing?

Most stomach flu treatments are no brainers. What can really mess people up sometimes is if you don’t actually have the stomach flu, you have influenza. These two are mistaken all the time and this is not something to take lightly. Thankfully there are some differences that you can look for that will help save you some pain in the long run.

When the gastrointestinal tract gets inflamed, you have the stomach flu. The average stomach flu comes from one common source, contaminated food. This can be contaminated from parasites, viruses, or bacteria. This is usually what most people suffer from.

Influenza is a viral infection. At first it looks like a cold, but later progresses to respiratory congestion, fever, and usually fatigue. Because of the fact that it is a virus, antibiotics do not work in treating influenza.

For the average stomach flu, treatment is very simple. Hydration and rest until the sickness goes away is usually the most common and effective treatment. In the cases of the stomach flu, its symptoms do not last past five days in most cases. If the typical stomach flu treatments are not working and the illness has not gone away in 5 days, checking with your doctor is a good idea.

Influenza can be a little peskier. While the typical stomach flu lasts no more than 5 days, influenza has a life span of around 5-7 days. Despite this, rest and hydration are still the best way to combat this sickness. If you are not feeling any better, some anti viral medication will do the job for you.

When you first start feeling sick you must be smart. You must make sure to keep track of when you started feeling symptoms. Writing this down as well as what the symptoms are can save you a lot of pain in the long term. Having your doctor prescribe antibiotics for influenza will only make you suffer longer.

It is very rare that either of these two sicknesses will give you any serious health problems. It is very possible to suffer from dehydration from both and potentially pneumonia for influenza. These are two complications that can easily be avoided if you keep yours wits about you and be smart.

While the stomach flu and influenza are very similar, there are enough differences that matter in the outcome of your illness. Identifying different symptoms and keeping yourself hydrated will go along way to fighting off these annoying sicknesses. Once you get comfortable with this, you wont stay sick for long!

If you want to learn more unknown myths about stomach flu treatment, then visit my site where you will find tons of information as well as the best stomach flu report available right now!

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