Some Necessary Information Regarding How To Produce A Miracle

There are many things in life that can’t be explained- occurrences, that on the surface appear random, that cannot be reasoned through science or the human mind. Or, as may be called by some, miracles. Can these miracles be duplicated or recreated? On a short term mission trip with Global Ventures, I found the answer.

For many it is hard to believe in something we do not understand or to trust something we cannot see. But while I was on this short term mission trip with Global Ventures I witnessed miracles happen right before my very eyes, and they happened everywhere I went.

On my Global Ventures mission trip, I notices lame people walking, blind people received sight, deaf people hearing and I also saw demons leaving peoples body.

I got a chance to get personal training by the president and the founder of Global Ventures, John Smithwick. He told me some necessary facts on “How to create a miracle?”. I just learned all the necessary points regarding how to bring a miracle into manifestation.

1. The number one most important thing to remember, when performing a miracle, is to not be affected by what is around you. You cannot be fazed by circumstance. Despite what you see before you, no matter what you are up against or how serious the problem may appear, one cannot be moved by the situation.

I would like to tell you an example in this regard. Once I was in a jungle that was located in Jackmel, Hiati. Under the training of John Smithwick I was asked to pray over a man who was paralyzed throughout the complete left side of his body. The man had not been able to move for a year and a half and had no feeling on his left side. I started praying for him and after the prayer I looked into the man’s eyes and there was no difference.

I really got discouraged but suddenly I remembered that supernatural happenings are not determined by what is actually going on in the natural.

2. Next comes the second part in producing a miracle, and that is pressing through. Just as one must not be moved by what one sees, Likewise he must also keep pressing through, or continue “working the miracle” as John Smithwick would say. When it doesn’t seem like they are healed you must continue working the miracle until the full manifestation is reached. This is vital when believing for a healing miracle.

3. So with all this in mind I told the paralyzed man that we were going to help him walk. We started stretching his paralyzed leg back and forth, and then I began to work on his arm. This is the third vital step in performing a miracle; the one on the receiving end almost always needs some degree of faith on their end. If they don’t really believe the will receive their miracle, it can become difficult to override their will. So it is important to talk to them before hand, to reinforce their faith before you begin working with them.

We could see lingering doubt in the man’s eyes, so we told him we were going to sit him up. We pulled him up to the edge of his bed and continued working on his leg. After roughly a minute or so of this, the man’s paralyzed leg began twitching; muscles began to flex that had not worked for over a year.

John Smithwick said to the man, “We are going to help you walk.” Together the two of us helped the man to his feet, and carried him. We practically dragged him around at first, but then something changed. His body that had lost all ability to move began to do just that.

The man started taking his first step. Time passed by and we continued working the miracle. After a while, he just took his first step without any support. After all, we had created a miracle.

4. The fourth and the last step that is used for creating a miracle is understanding the power within us. We all do not have any extraordinary powers within us. John Smithwick taught me that we are merely the tools, the instruments used to get the job done. We are just the messengers carrying out God’s love.

This is the important final ingredient in creating a miracle, knowing to whom the glory belongs. Alone we do not have the ability to create a miracle, but this should be a very reassuring thing. Because if we have no power and are only instruments of God, that means he can use anybody! We all have that ability; anyone can create a miracle.

I learned this lesson thanks to John Smithwick on a Global Ventures short term mission trip.

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