My Favored Home Cures To Common Health Conditions Unveiled

You probably already know exactly what each thing in your medicine cabinet should be used to cure. You know that when your belly hurts, you should take some antacid. You know that when you have an allergy flare up you must take an antihistamine. You know to take Advil or acetaminophen or a similar pain killer when you are having a headache. Did you know, though, that basically all of the stuff in your medicine cabinet can be applied to a host of other ailments as well? Consider these uncommon remedies for typical household problems.

You are aware that you need to take an antacid like Alka Seltzer to help calm heartburn or a stomach that is acting up. Did you know, however, that your Alka Seltzer or other antacid could be used to relieve the pain of insect bites? This is because nearly all antacids like Alka Seltzer have aspirin which helps lessen the pain and stinging you feel when you are bitten. Make a paste with a smashed up antacid tablet, a little bit of oatmeal and some water. Apply it on to the bitten area and you can expect to see an immediate soothing of the bite. This often works much better than those products that are marketed for the same purpose, like calamine lotion.

You know that mouth wash can help you battle halitosis but did you know that it can stop athlete’s foot also? Alcohol based mouthwashes are really good in keeping your toes and feet clean and healthy. Soak a cotton ball with alcohol based mouth wash and then rub the cotton ball over the bottoms of your feet and in between your toes after every shower. The alcohol will kill any fungal infections that might be trying to take hold.

Sodium bicarbonate or baking soda has been used for decades for teeth cleaning. In addition, baking soda is excellent as a tooth whitener and a very good oral hygiene scrub. Did you know, however, that you can use baking soda to treat things like sunburns as well? Baking soda has properties that have a neutralizing effect on the skin’s pH balance. To get as much relief as is possible, pour one full cup of baking soda into your bath water–under the running water tap, wait for it to completely dissolve and then climb in and soak for about 30 minutes.

More about aloe vera explained

You already know that aloe vera is wonderful for treating burns. Aloe vera can soothe the skin and help alleviate the pain of everything from sunburns to second-degree burns. But did you know that aloe vera can help heal canker sores too? The same properties that help skin burns can help cure your canker sores. Studies have discovered that those who treat canker sores with aloe vera heal as much as 50% more rapidly than those who use traditional remedies.

These are merely a number of the unconventional ways you can use conventional remedies. Rather than running out to buy the latest over-the-counter treatment for your problem, why not try something that you already have at home? The curatives in your cabinets are excellent for more than one thing each — make them earn their keeps!

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