Mosman Personal Training: Getting Healthy – The Benefits of One-On-One Personal Training

Health is wealth. This is not a cliche. Recall a time when you were sick; you wanted to do a lot of things but were not able to because you were not feeling well. But what does it mean to be a healthy person? Does it only mean having a strong and healthy body? Health is a state of optimal well-being.

Let’s be clear about what a personal trainer means. We’re not talking about having someone knock up a tailored training routine for you when you first start – all gyms should do that as a matter of course. Personal trainers will dedicate themselves to you and you alone for each hour that you book. They should assess your fitness level, set up a programme complete with goals and waypoints, and provide the motivation to achieve them.

Given what you’re already forking out for the gym, why would you pay extra for a personal trainer? If you have a clear idea of your fitness targets, the knowledge of how to hit them and a high level of self-motivation, then the honest answer if that you don’t need a trainer. If, however, you find that motivation is a big problem, or you have an unusual target (say new sport), or you’re going nowhere and don’t know what to try, then a personal trainer could be exactly what the doctor ordered.

What can I expect?
Depends entirely on what your agreed goals are. If your aim is to lose weight and tone up, then you can expect to start off with a cardio warm up before going onto weights and moves that you wouldn’t normally do. In the process you will learn a lot about form, posture, technique and the use of different pieces of equipment. It also makes the gym session an appointment, a commitment that you can’t back out of, and introduces the trainer as a kind of external conscience nagging you if you let things slip. Sort of.

A higher level of trainer is only one benefit of working in a training studio. If you have ever tried working out at a club in January at around 6pm you will understand my next point. Gyms get crowded. Imagine you could kick everyone out of the gym and have the whole place to yourself with maybe one or two others working out at the same time. This essentially is what a studio can offer. You will not have all the equipment that a gym would, but you will have what you need as well as a trainer showing you new exercises you never thought existed. Not only is this convenient for you but your trainer will be able to help you better. A trainer at a gym might write up a great workout for you but then find out all the equipment that he or she was going to use is being occupied. Now they have to think on the fly and put together another program that was not really what they wanted to do.

Learn more about Mosman Personal Training and about getting great fitness help.

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