Information on Sciatica

If you have not suffered sciatica, count yourself fortunate. Sciatica is pain in the sciatic nerve, a thick nerve mass rooted in the lumbar spine that travels from there through the hip and down the outside of the leg, crossing at the knee. The nerve continues to the foot, and pain may occur in varying intensity along its entire length, or in spots. Healing sciatica may be a challenge, depending on its cause. Bulging or herniated discs, stenosis (narrowing of the spinal channel), spinal trauma, and tumors are a few common causes of sciatica.

Some info on sciatica reveals that one of the most successful treatments for sciatica pain is to exercise. You can release some pressure on the affected nerve roots by stretching. There are also several back exercises that will help you to relieve the sciatica pain if such pain is not overwhelming. You can also find detailed sciatica exercises online that can help you overcome the sciatica pain. It’s not recommended to stay in bed when you have sciatica pain, you should at least stretch your legs and back.

When walking it is important to always maintain proper posture. Walk upright with your head held upward. One way of teaching yourself the proper posture when walking is to get you back against a wall so that your head heels and your buttocks touch the wall and walk outwards maintaining that exact posture. When you sit it is good to remember to keep your thighs parallel with the floor and sit in an upward position and slouch back slightly. Sleeping is always one of the key ways to maintain a day free from lower back pain caused by sciatica. If you wake up pain free you are more likely to have a pain free day. The best way to sleep at night is by sleeping in fetal position with a pillow in between your knees.

Bed rest is often prescribed for sciatica although it is not clear there is any actual benefit to healing sciatica. However, some patients find the pain is so debilitating that movement is impossible. Bed rest with brief periods of gentle physical activity may be more effective. Some doctors prescribe specific exercises. A good bed with appropriate lumbar support, with a change in sleeping position eases the agony for some people. Lifting the knees, perhaps with a pillow, is immensely helpful.

Legions that press on the nerve will have to be surgically removed. This may relieve your symptoms. In cases with lacerations to the nerves, even with sciatica treatment, recovery may be limited, or not possible. Injections are usually given to ease the swelling and irritation around the nerve. Over the counter medicines are given to relieve your nerve pain.

Some also say that vitamins taken daily can greatly alter your lower back pain caused by sciatica. There are many over the counter vitamins to chose from and the decision can be difficult to make. Some say Omega 3 Oil helps some take Vitamin E, others use MSM , some try a glucosamine sulfate, or some even try a combination of them. They even make an all in one vitamin for the help of subsiding your lower back pain caused by sciatica. Mother Nature’s Sciatol Has 6 differnt vitamins and minerals all focused on relieving your lower back pain caused by sciatica.

Would you like to learn more info about sciatic nerve pain exercises – Sciatica Treatment by Physiotherapists, then check out our website and read more about BACK PAIN: THE EPIDEMIC.

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