Indoor Kids Exercise When the Weather’s Bad

Kids exercise is important and is typically done outside most of the time. But what if the weather is unfavorable? There’s not a lot to do when it’s too hot, too cold or raining. Kids indoor exercise is a possibility that parents should learn more about.

Some people don’t mind the bad weather. In the winter, they’ll get outside to throw snowballs. In the summer, they’ll spend their days at the pool. They love the outdoors so much they’ll even play in the rain. Not everyone is like this though.

Indoor exercises are also a great possibility. There are plenty of things you can do indoors as a family and still be active. Family gym memberships are great because they allow the whole family to stay in shape. Many of us can’t afford that luxury though.

In your own home there are many kids exercises that can be done. Some ideas include a relay race, a scavenger hunt or let your kids dance to their favorite music. There are many great ideas that only require the items you have in your home.

If your child is creative, there are even exercises that include craft time. One idea is to create a hopscotch box with construction paper. Tape the paper to the room of your choosing and then teach your child how to play hopscotch. They’ll be able to play it over and over again.

If you’re looking to do something indoors but away from home, there are lots of possibilities, depending on where you live. Look in your community and you may find mall indoor playgrounds, a roller skating rink or an interactive children’s museum. Discuss the possibilities with your kids to see what they’re interested in.

The weather should never be excuse for not being active. There is plenty for your child to do. Be creative and get feedback from your child.

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