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Just about every woman who’s interested in good skin care knows that improving the amount of collagen and elastin in your skin is a big part of making your skin healthier and younger looking. However although many women are aware of that, many are not aware of a trap that is laid for consumers of skin care products looking to increase the amount of collagen and elastin in their skin.

The best skin care products should so this.

But before I explain the trap lets look a little at exactly what elastin and collagen do. They are both proteins, sometimes called structural proteins, because they have a very important role in maintaining the structure of your body.

Collagen in particular is highly important in so many of the areas of your body that help hold it together. It is found in many of the connective tissues in the joints such as tendons and ligaments for example. It is extremely important in a range of other areas of the body including the blood vessels, the lungs and skin.

When you cut yourself it is collagen which helps repair the damage.

When you were born your body was packed with these 2 important proteins. But gradually with age the levels of both start to decline. In fact the body does not produce any more elastin after puberty.

Both these essential proteins are found in the skin, and are very important in maintaining the strength, suppleness and elasticity of the skin, which of course keeps it looking good. Reduce elasticity and strength and skin starts to sag, and what are wrinkles other than sagging?

As you age these 2 important proteins start to reduce in quantity, and this is one of the major factors in you showing your age on your face.

So as stated at the beginning, just about every woman knows that you need to increase the amount of elastin and collagen in your skin to look better.

So what’s the trap that so many women are not aware of? It’s this.

Many skin care products show on the label that they contain collagen and elastin. Of course most women will buy the product merely because they see this listed on the label, and that’s exactly why it is on the label, (and in the bottle).

You see it’s been well understood for many years that the molecule size of these proteins is too large to enter the skin, and putting it on the surface really does very little to increase the amount below the surface.

But putting them in the bottle certainly sells lots of bottles.

So if using skin care products with these proteins incorporated doesn’t actually increase their availability to your skin then how do you achieve this?

You do it by using the best skin care products which stimulate the skin to grow more all by itself.

And if you’d like to find out how to do this then visit my website.

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