Ways To Get Rid Of Acne

Regrettably acne is a condition that affects a large sampling of the population. It is not just restricted to teenagers. Increasingly people are discovering that acne does not simply fade away post puberty as they had considered it would. Because of this there is a solid demand for information regarding ways to get rid of acne but not all that information is accurate.

In point of fact simply the idea of methods to get rid of acne is a mistake in itself. This because if you already have acne then your actual objective should not be a way to get rid of acne. Your real target really should be a way to prevent acne from occurring in the first place.

This statement goes to the core of the situation considering the fact that the majority of guidance offered for getting rid of acne addresses the existing acne you are experiencing. This information normally can be separated into a few groupings.

Acne Lotions

There are numerous products available at present in the form of creams, lotions and ointments. Once more the reasoning behind them is unlikely. By applying something to the outside of the skin they are merely addressing the existing occurrence. The most they are able to really do is offer a soothing ingredient to lessen irritation and an antibacterial or antibiotic feature to avoid the distribution of infection. At best they might possibly decrease the time of the present outbreak and lessen the irritation of the existing occurrence.

What not one of them can in reality do is separate out the origin of the outbreaks and address that cause so as to make certain of no further acne.

Natural Acne Cures

In this group we have in essence the matching ideas as the preceding one. Substances like tea-tree oil, aloe vera and cinnamon being used for either their soothing characteristics or as naturally occurring antiseptics.

Any topical treatment alone listed under ways to get rid of acne is doomed to failure for the reason that it is dealing with the end result, not the origin.


The concept here is that by regularly exfoliating the affected skin areas where the acne is or is prone to emerge you will inhibit it by keeping the pores open. This concept is unsound since although it is correct that dead skin is part of the problem in the pores getting obstructed it is not the whole story. In effect the more likely starting place of the pores becoming blocked is the sebum being created in those pores. This comes into contact with air and dries, resulting in blockage. Taking away the dead skin layer is more or less ineffective.

A more reasonable tactic would take in awareness of why the pores are over producing sebum in the first place.

The True Sources of Acne

There is common agreement that there are mainly three possible causes of acne. They are stress, hormones and diet and that any successful acne therapy routine would have to involve these three principles. The problem with these three components is that it is rarely just one that is the cause. It is more likely that it is one, two or all of them in some kind of interplay.

Whatever the cause of your acne is, it is also evident that cause is an interior one and not an exterior one. In evaluating any of the ways to get rid of acne that you may come across keep this in mind. The most steadily successful methods to get rid of acne involve understanding the three core causes and understanding that your specific acne is specific to you.

Click here to for some real ways to get rid of acne and the best acne treatment programs.

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