How To Tone Flabby Arms With Mental Power

If you get on a program to tone arms, but forget to optimize motivation, you’ll eventually hit a wall. The wall will be the inability to keep on going in the face of setbacks.

And this is where most women fail: they usually start strong, but once things get difficult they jump ship. Seth Godin called this the dip.

Unfortunately, they are too obsessed with finding the perfect diet and exercise program. Even worse, some are obsessed with finding a magical potion that will solve all their problems while they watch TV!

You shouldn’t be running motivational sprints, you should be running motivational marathons. So without further ado, here are 4 tips to survive the marathon to tone arms:

1. Apply anger for short bursts of activity. Too much chronic anger will set back your goals many steps. It simply causes too many counterproductive reactions in the female body. However, if you can control its output to short periods of time, then it can work wonders.

2. Don’t be a perfectionist. If you’re waiting for all the stars to be perfectly aligned before taking action, expect to wait for a very long time. Meanwhile, many women will be on their way to sexy arm stardom. Remember, if you want to tone arms, the majority of your results will come from the ability to just keep on going.

3. Set deadlines for all mini-goals, not just the big ones. We have been conditioned our entire lives to respond to deadlines. Why would your goal to tone arms be any different? Without a deadline, your sexy arm dream will be just that-a dream. Set an INSANE deadline which will force you to focus on only the most critical components.

4. Constantly surround yourself by what you fear. You don’t have to go all out on day 1. Instead, take baby steps that don’t shock you. Doing so will desensitize you to whatever mental block you may have. Eventually, the fear will go away. If you fear working out really hard, for instance, take one minute to go ALL out. Who can’t go all out for 1 minute? Once you notice that going all out isn’t that bad, you can increase the time to 3 minutes next workout.

If you want to tone arms, don’t go around in circles by only focusing on diet and exercise. You have to optimize your thought processes to ensure long term success and this is where most women fail.

Also, if you want to see rapid results, you have to act on this information now and not later. You see, failure to act leads to the forgetting of information.

Writer Katherine Crawford, a fitness expert and recent arm fat sufferer, teaches how to get toned arms. Figure out how to get sexy and toned arms by exploring her blog with advice on how to lose arm fat with ease now!

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