How to Live Longer – Helpful Tips and Advice

Everyone wants a longer lifespan. We all want to rear our kids, watch them grow and bring our grandchildren to school. We would certainly choose immortality if God gave us that choice but our humanity only allows us to enjoy this world for a set number of years. As to how long that number is, we can do our share in extending it to a ripe and fruitful old age. However, with the lifestyles we have today, that is a job that cannot easily be accomplished.

We have shortened our lifespans because of our own unhealthy habits-toxic stress levels, corrupted eating habits and deskbound lifestyles. We have lost the art of segregating work from family and by letting both get in the way of each other, we run into problems. The result is isolation as more and more families are getting alienated from each other. We dump calories and toxins directly into our bodies by eating unnatural and highly processed foods. Sedentary living has become the norm as our lives revolve around the computer and the Internet.

If you want to live longer, you have to get fit and stay fit. But that does not mean that those who are not obese will automatically live longer. That is an assumption that cannot be made for everyone based on looks alone. You might be normal as far as your weight is concerned but if you don’t sweat it out and rely on fast food most of the time, you are only as healthy as the morbidly obese man living next to you.

If you really want to live long, you have to commit to a fit and healthy lifestyle. How do you do that? Here are three simple and proven ways:

Work it out. We put this first because it’s what most of us really need-overweight or not. Yes, exercise is necessary if you want to live a long and healthy life. Those who have weight problems will want to reduce so they also lower their risk of heart and other diseases. But those who are not fat will benefit a lot from exercise. Devote at least 75 minutes of the week for intense cardio exercises or 150 minutes a week for moderate intensity exercises.

Eat right. Go easy on your salt and sugar intake. Refined grains, trans fats, cholesterol and saturated fats should be minimized or avoided where possible. Instead make your diet rich in vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Eat only lean protein whenever possible and shun red and processed meats like the plague.

Quit smoking and limit drinking. Smoking- no matter how cool the commercials look- does not do any good to your body. It only lowers your immune system and increases your risk for all types of diseases. If you must drink, do so only socially and limit it to no more than two glasses per day for men and one glass a day for women.

Follow these three simple steps to stay fit and live longer!

Also, in case you’re interested, one thing that I’ve been incorporating into my fitness training workouts is the TRX Suspension Trainer, it is a great system for bodyweight routines. Last but not least, don’t forget to read this TRX coupon.

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