How to Eat When You’re on a Detox Diet Plan

When you’re considering going on a detox diet pan, there are many strategies to choose from. Phil and I tried several cleanses, even though we didn’t consider them as cleanses at the time.

Several of these diets can be a very good cleanse and for long term to sustain health, while others are best considered for as short term cleanses. The many changes you make, the more changes you might also see as a result. That doesn’t mean that you need to make drastic changes, even moderate changes can give you moderate results.

Simplify Your Diet

Simplifying your diet can have some excellent benefits as a cleanse, even for just a short period of time. Stick to fresh fruits and vegetables – either lightly cooked or raw, whole grains and legumes – sprouted and then cooked, and then raw or sprouted seeds.

Then avoid breads, nuts and baked goods as well as combining too many various kinds of food together, especially proteins with fats or starches, or fruits with anything but leafy veggies.

Vegan Diet Plan

A vegan diet plan can be a superb detox, although it might need to follow the rule of removing processed and refined foods in your diet. Some of those unhealthy foods are also vegan, but they are still reasonably toxic to your body. For a cleanse, emphasize on fresh vegetables and fruits. If you’re already in a vegetarian diet plan, try eliminating dairy even just for a while – a few days to one week is great.

You can be amazed at the lightness you will feel and the symptoms you can remove by taking a short break from dairy.


Mono-diet is generally used to refer to a diet of eating strictly one type of food all day. Lots of people have mono-diet in macrobiotic way, just sticking only to brown rice, and sometimes with some vegetables or miso soups.

Raw Food

You could also detox with just all raw foods, or all fruits, or even all green vegetables. These are not precisely mono-diets, but it follows the same principle of intensely simplifying the diet. Raw foods involves eating plenty of fresh produce, nuts, legumes and raw/or sprouted seeds.

Liquid Diet

A few people chose to take a detox approach with eating only liquid foods, like plenty of pureed vegetable soups or smoothies the whole day. These are a little different from juice fast, since you’re having the fiber and bulk of the whole foods.


These detox diet plans have one thing in common – they focus on foods that would alkalize the body. Since Western diets are high in acidifying foods such as grains, meats and diary, it actually makes sense that the most popular detoxes involves the reduction of that acidity. Alkalinity in foods takes place to coincide with all the foods that are least congesting and most detoxifying.

No matter what you way you choose, when you start with a detox diet plan, the most significant point is to lay down your rules ahead of time. By doing this, it makes following the whole process a lot easier because you don’t need to think about whether you are allowed or not allowed a certain thing. You should still need to follow the rule to wait for your stomach to grumble before eating, because it means that you digestive system is all set for more food.

For more info more about detox diet and to get this new resource for free, “7 Vital Lessons For Success On A Healthy Diet Plan”, check it out here: healthy diet meal plan.

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