How To Do Back Strengthening Exercises

If you have a desk job where you sit all day, you’ve probably had some back pain from time to time. One easy thing you can do to help with this is to do some basic back strengthening exercises each day. There are 3 simple exercises you can do that will help alleviate and prevent the back pain that comes from sitting in a chair all day long. One of the main causes of this is that people sit with bad posture, and that’s usually due to weak back muscles. Doing regular back strengthening exercises can help strengthen your back muscles so that it’s easier to sit with correct posture during the day.

One of the best back exercises to combat the effects of sitting all day long is the hip bridge. The hip bridge is an exercise that will strengthen your core, or your lower back muscles as well as your abs. When you strengthen these muscles, you’ll find it easier to sit with better posture so that you back doesn’t ache after a long day. To do the hip bridge, you first lie on your back. Then raise your butt off the ground and thrust your hips toward the ceiling, while keeping your arms relaxed at your side. While your doing this, squeeze your buttocks together, and you’ll feel it stretching your lower back. Hold the top position for at least two seconds each time, and do 10 to 15 reps each day of the hip bridge.

Bird Dog: This exercise is specifically for muscle balance and coordination. This is one of those back strengthening exercises that not only tones upper and lower back muscles but also other high-performing muscles such as the hamstrings. This exercise specifically helps the spine perform daily physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, carrying heavy things, and dancing. To do this exercise, kneel on the floor with your hands securely positioned about shoulder width apart. Tighten your abdomen and start by lifting one hand and the knee opposing it. Maintain balance using the other hand and knee supporting your weight. To complete the move, stretch your arm forward and the raised leg straight backwards. Hold this position for ten seconds then return to base position. Do 10 reps.

Another back exercise that will improve your balance and strengthen your core and back muscles is called the side plank. The side plank is a very effective exercise that will strengthen your whole core, not just your back. To perform the side plank, lie down on one side. Then, prop your upper body up onto your elbow. The next part is to lift your hips off the ground, so that you’re body is forced to engage your core muscles. Hold this position for at least 10 seconds, and go for longer as you build up your strength.

These three back exercises will quickly help improve your posture and strengthen your back muscles so that you experience less back pain day to day. Always remember to not do more then your body is ready for, so that you don’t injure yourself. You can do a quick warmup by doing some light body squats or a little jogging in place so that you don’t pull anything when you’re working out.

Learn more about back strengthening exercises. Stop by our site where you can find out all about how to get ripped in 4 weeks.

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