How To Deal With The Symptoms Of Stress

We are all under stress the majority of the time and a lot of people like to think that they understand stress and can use it to get a piece of work done to the best of their capacity, but do you really know what the symptoms of stress are and what it can do to your body? When we are piling the stress onto ourselves, we merely assume that our bodies will adapt and get on with it, but is that actually the case?

The fact is that we all have our own level at which stress is reasonable. This is because stress can be emotional, physical and mental and if you exceed your capacity for any length of time in any of these areas, you can cause short-term or even longer term damage, which could require professional medical assistance.

If you do not take steps to regain your equilibrium, you will soon find that the apposite role in your life will suffer: that is, your relationships will fail, your physical health will crumble or your ability to do your job in the correct manner will vanish.

The physical indications of stress are aches and pains, including headaches, general tiredness and lethargy. Unchecked, these indications can lead to migraine, muscle tension and stiffness.

These major alterations to how your body operates can then result in other issues such as diarrhea or constipation, nausea and dizziness. These indications of stress, in turn, can lead to sleepless nights or insomnia.

Once it gets this bad, people normally turn to medication, but medication can only give temporary relief such as sleeping tablets. This can lead to dependence.

If the sufferer already has a weak heart, this combination of indications of stress can lead to chest pains, palpitations and erratic heart beat, which in turn can be precursors of heart disease. Please note that this chain of activities is not guaranteed.

People are different and some doctors are better than others, but stress and heart disease have been shown to be connected.

Symptoms of stress can also show themselves in behavioural problems. These indications of stress frequently begin with insomnia or only problems getting to sleep and waking up still tired. However, feeling continually dog-tired has a knock-on impact on our emotions – we tend to become more emotional, but usually in a negative way. Often this means over-reacting, like snapping at someone who has asked a perfectly reasonable question.

This sort of response can lead to the sufferer shunning society. Self-pity, isolation, loss of job and depression can soon follow.

So, you have to learn how to get off that slippery slope, the downward coil of everyday stress. The place to begin is the mind. You have to learn how to recognize that ‘things are getting on top of you’ and learn how to unwind.

There are a number of successful techniques including meditation, breathing exercises, aromatherapy and playing soothing music in order to bring about a state of relaxation in your mind.

When you are learning to take the symptoms of stress head-on with your mind, take some time to pamper your body too. There are also numerous ways of doing this, but popular methods are taking a sauna or having a massage or pedicure, facial or manicure. Having your hair done.

Physical exercise is a great reliever of stress as well and it does not have to be arduous. A thirty minute walk, two times a day is sufficient for most people, but you might grow to like it and then it is the more the better.

Finally, you could take a good look at your diet. You do not have to go overboard, but do you drink too much coke, coffee or tea? Do you consume a great deal of junk food? Are you getting enough fruit?

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