How do we recognize anxiety and bipolar disorder?

Anxiety and Bipolar disorder are two closely related psychological disorders. In fact, most people suffering from bipolar disorder suffer from anxiety: anxiety is the most significant symptom of bipolar disorder. What we need to know that all people suffering from bipolar disorder need not necessarily suffer from anxiety. The psychological balance of the patients suffering from anxiety and bipolar is quite distorted and needs immediate attention.

It has been reported that patients suffering from anxiety and bipolar disorder usually have poor psychological balance. It can be perceived in two ways: the patient may report warning signs of anxiety that is associated with their bipolar disorder. In the second instance, the person may be suffering from anxiety that is completely dissociated with the bipolar disorder detected in them.

The first instance is quite successfully dealt with medical treatment and psychotherapy. This can be attributed with the fact that anxiety levels dramatically decrease when the bipolar disorder is treated effectively. The second case is a bit complicated to deal as anxiety levels remain as it is despite significant improvement and recovery from bipolar disorder.

To establish the connection between anxiety and bipolar, we need to note that bipolar patients when suffering from anxiety often describe feelings of “agitation.” In terms of their non-verbal actions and body language, when these patients suffer from anxiety, they do things that are quite abnormal. The patient with anxiety and bipolar disorder will stamp their feet in disgust if they disagree with the viewpoints of someone talking to them. These anxiety and bipolar patients may also pick their nails.

While suffering from anxiety, these people become extremely restless such that they cannot wait for some time. This is exhibited in usual situations such as when they are asked to wait for their turn in the interview process of a job. These patients of anxiety and bipolar disorder cannot sit calmly and quietly; rather they will amble in the waiting room of the office till they are summoned for their interview.

Click here for more information: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Anxiety Lie

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