Help for Sciatic Nerve Pain

Lower back sciatica is quite painful and originates from your sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the body. The pain extends from your spine to your hip and posterior area and then down the rear of each leg. While not a separate condition itself, sciatica is symptomatic of yet another problem, such as a herniated disc or another cause. Although lower back sciatica may ease with time, it may not, and the discomfort is usually quite debilitating.

Over the counter pain medications containing acedeminophin or aspirin are often helpful in treating sciatica. The application of ice packs over the area where the pain is the deepest can often reduce the inflammation. Some people find relief by alternating heating pads with periods of ice pack therapy. Anti-inflammatory prescription medication may be necessary if the pain proves hard to manage.

According to information on sciatica most people will find this problem will naturally go away on its own, with the healing process taking a few days or weeks. Most episodes with sciatica heal within six to twelve weeks.

Although as the sciatic nerve continues down the back, it branches off into both legs, it is common for only one leg to be much more symptomatic. Patients have described a sensation that is similar to feeling as though their leg is on fire. A painful sciatic nerve can create discomfort that ranges from being mildly inconvenient to becoming almost intolerable in nature. The basis of the symptoms that develop as a result of an inflamed sciatic nerve are primarily attributed to some kind of irritation to the nerve, or of the nerve being pinched or impinged upon. With even a slight injury, the sciatic nerve can become inflamed, swelling can result, thus the nerve tends to become pressed and pain results. The problem with having sciatic nerve pain can become so exacerbated that the nerves and muscles that control a persons bowel and bladder functions may become affected. In such cases, the patient should immediately seek medical attention.

Certainly follow your physician’s and physical therapist’s suggestions, which can include the following: specific exercises, stretches, cold and heat packs, and taking OTC and prescription pain relievers. However, you may find that there are some additional alternative measures that may help remedy your lower back sciatica, as well.

Some also say that vitamins taken daily can greatly alter your lower back pain caused by sciatica. There are many over the counter vitamins to chose from and the decision can be difficult to make. Some say Omega 3 Oil helps some take Vitamin E, others use MSM , some try a glucosamine sulfate, or some even try a combination of them. They even make an all in one vitamin for the help of subsiding your lower back pain caused by sciatica. Mother Nature’s Sciatol Has 6 differnt vitamins and minerals all focused on relieving your lower back pain caused by sciatica.

Find out more about herniateddiscsciatica – Sciatica… the 3 guarantees. Visit our website where you can find out all about Sciatica Pain ??? Causes and Symptoms.

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