Anti Aging Supplements

Melatonin is a natural hormone that is created in the pineal gland, a small gland located in the brain. The hormone helps in controlling sleep cycles. Small dosages of the hormone also exist in meat, fruits and vegetables. One can buy it as a supplement.

Uses There are many theories regarding this hormone qualities and virtues making it a very popular supplement as not only it helps regulation sleep, but is considered a hormone that prolongs life and keep the vitality of the body. As mentioned, the most important role of melatonin is the regulation of sleep-wake hours. Melatonin supplement helps people if their sleep cycles are not stable. Also, unlike other drugs, it has immediate effects so one can fall asleep right after taking it.

The supplement main roles: Melatonin is effective and good for problems such as osteoporosis, depression, breast cancer, rheumatism, epilepsy, burns and heart disease. Effectiveness is attributed to its ability to fight toxins. As mentioned the supplement is more effective as an anti-oxidant than vitamin C. The supplement is given to children with certain problems and to adults. People that lost the ability to produce the hormone or produce it in inadequate levels may use the supplement on a regular basis. Also, people who work in shifts or suffer from jet lag may find the supplement effective for them.

What are the side effects of the supplement? There are little side effects and this supplement is considered quite safe to us. In the united stated one doesn’t need a prescription to purchase the supplement. However, in many other countries, one needs to see a physician in order to purchase it. The side effects that can result in taking the hormone are: headaches, nausea, nervousness, nightmares and slow blood flow

Even though melatonin doesn’t require a prescription at least in United States, it is still recommended to consult a physician before taking it in order to better understand the side effects and the implications of this drug.

Learn more about another supplement Dhea and about Melatonin

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