Heart Attack Warning Symptoms

A heart attack is something that you definitely want to watch out for, especially if you are considered as being at high risk for one. Unless normal blood flow to that part of the heart is resumed rapidly then it begins to die. Heart attacks are generally caused by atherosclerosis, which is commonly termed Coronary Artery Disease or CAD. When a person has atherosclerosis a fatty deposit called plaque accumulates in the coronary arteries. Sometimes blood clots form on a damaged area of plaque. If a blood clot gets large enough it obstructs the coronary artery and a heart attack occurs.

Of course if you ever think that you are having a chest pain heart attack, you are going to want to act quickly. A person who enjoys learning about statistics may even know that there are around half a million heart attack deaths per year in this country. However, not everybody is aware that half of all heart attack fatalities occur at home before the person even gets to the hospital.

So you think that you may be having a heart attack, what do you do? If you think that you may be having a chest pain heart attack, of course you want to try and calm yourself down if you can.It’s easy to assume heart attacks occur as they do in TV soaps with the person dramatically gripping their chest in severe pain and falling to their knees. Consequently people often mistake early warnings of a heart attack or stroke for something far less serious. They only phone 911 when the heart attack warning symptoms become more severe. Unfortunately by then it is sometimes too late to do anything about it.

Either way, you are going to want to get it checked out if you are not sure, rather than just taking a guess at it.Therefore it is important that we are all aware of the signs. So what are the early indicators of the biggest killer in the country? Perhaps the most common heart attack warning symptom is moderate to severe pain or pressure in the chest that feels as though you are being squeezed from within. This pressure is often accompanied by shortness of breath and the feeling that something awful is about to happen to you. Other heart attack warning symptoms include pain in the arms, jaw, back or neck, anxiety, sweating, dizziness, irregular heart beat and nausea.

A person who is having a heart attack may not experience all of the aforementioned symptoms. Similarly a person who experiences just one symptom might not be having a heart attack. What’s more women are likely to experience different heart attack warning symptoms to men. Nevertheless if you or somebody in your company experiences one or more heart attack warning symptoms it is very important to call 911 immediately. When somebody is having a heart attack every minute of delay could mean the difference between life and death. In the end it is far better to feel slightly embarrassed because you called 911 over severe indigestion pains than to die or lose someone you love because you didn’t act in time.

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