Good News for Bronchitis Fever Sufferers

Bronchitis is a serious but common inflammatory condition of the lungs. Inflammation of the lungs causes redness, swelling, mucus production, and pain. There are two types of bronchitis: acute and chronic. In acute bronchitis, inflammation occurs as a result of a cold, sore throat, or viral infection. Symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, and a dry cough that progressively becomes productive. Prolonged acute bronchitis that continues for several weeks often develops into pneumonia. In chronic bronchitis, inflammation occurs as a result of exposure to tobacco smoke or other irritants. Symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue, severe coughing, and phlem. Prolonged chronic bronchitis with coughing that lasts over many years can lead to permanent damage of lung tissue causing disability or even death.

There are a number of herbal teas that serve as a bronchitis cure. If you have a dry hacking cough you can use a mixture of wild cherry bark and marshmallow root. Use one teaspoon of each herb in two cups of hot water and let steep for ten minutes. If you don’t have a tea-ball for the herbs you can put them right in the water and then filter them out with a sieve. Drink a cup three or four times a day to help with the cough and your immune system.

Bronovil has been highly effective in the treatment of bronchitis and actually helps the body fight infection and recover faster. It is highly effective in relieving coughs, thinning mucus, stimulating the immune system, eliminating fatigue, and boosting energy. Bronovil prevents viruses and bacteria from sticking to the cells of the lungs reducing mucus where viruses and bacteria multiply. Bronovil is effective not only in bronchitis treatment, but also in the treatment of the common cold and strep throat. Since it can be used alone or with other medications, it is the recommended treatment of respiratory disorders for the elderly and AIDS/HIV patients.

Due to the widespread dissemination of this type of information in reference to antibiotics, natural alternatives are increasingly sought by growing numbers. Natural supplements have grown in popularity for this reason.

One of the home care ideas for bronchitis fever is a mentholated chest rub, a vaporizer to keep the air you are breathing moist, a pain and fever reducer, plenty of liquids like hot teas for the comfort factor. This works in probably about twenty percent of the cases as they are most likely mild and will go away in a week or so. Rest, sleeping on an incline with your head and chest higher than your feet may help as well.

Bronovil is an herbal remedy which is effective in treating acute bronchitis. It prevents viruses and bacteria from sticking to the cells on the walls of the lungs, which helps break up mucus and prevents the virus from penetrating the cell walls, causing infection. It is derived from a plant called Pelargonium, which is a natural immune system booster. Taking Bronovil will stimulate your body’s own natural defenses, boost your immune system, prevent future infections, and alleviate inflammation and the pain and fatigue that accompany it.

Looking to find info on Bronchitis Treatment – Patience Is Not A Virtue When It Comes To Bronchitis, then visit our site to find the latest info on Is My Bronchitis Contagious? for you.

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