Getting Rid of Nasty Stretch Marks

No one ever voluntarily wants to have scars and unsightly marks on their bodies. Stretch marks are a pain to look at, much more so if they are in your own body. Anybody can get stretch marks, so you’d best be prepared to combat it.

In the first stages, stretch marks can be seen as dark marks on the skin, creeping like spiders. They usually appear on the tummy and butt area, on the thighs or at the side of armpits. Over time and without treatment, these spider marks go white and can not be removed.

If you don’t have these marks yet, you’re a lucky person! You can still do something to prevent these marks from appearing. If you’re the fortunate one and have these marks starting to appear – then there are methods to lessen their appearance but it will take almost a miracle to totally erase them!

We keep on referring to stretch marks as scars; that is because they are. Skin is elastic; it is such to accommodate the growth that we all experience. However, skin may reach its breaking point, especially more so if it is not as hydrated as it should be. Stretch marks appear where the skin has lost its ability to get back to its old shape.

In the adult life, skin is stretched to its boundaries when one gains a lot of weight, like when women get pregnant. Afterwards, the stretch marks become more pronounced when the person loses the weight he or she has gained. What worsens the skin’s condition is the lifestyle of the person; smoking and a bad diet can deplete nutrients from the body and further lessen the elasticity of skin. Of course, when we age, the skin also gets affected and stretch marks can easily appear.

If you have noticed, much of what causes stretch marks is the dehydration of the skin. Therefore, the simplest solution to prevent stretch marks from appearing is to drink a lot of water. The volume of water you need to drink is dependent on your weight, but it would do good to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Water helps purge the body of toxins and keeps skin healthy.

The smoothness and softness of the skin can also be maintained by a balanced diet and a healthy exercise program. There are exercises that help the body’s circulation improve. As you know, good circulation of blood and oxygen in the body can increase the capability of the body to take care of itself. In effect, cells become stronger, healthier, and more able to produce new skin cells. Additionally, exercising also helps in keeping your skin’s shape as you lose weight.

If you already have stretch marks, then you can find creams and cover ups for the scars. Some creams include medication in their ingredients which may help in reducing newly formed scars. However, the older scars will take more time to treat and will most likely not disappear completely. The best way to avoid stretch marks is to prevent forming them as early as possible. This way you do not have to worry about suddenly finding your body covered in these hideous scars.

Find out more about Dermology stretch mark cream and best stretch mark cream at her website.

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