Genital Wart Treatment: Home Remedies For Genital Wart Treatment
Human papillomavirus, or HPV as some call it, is a type of virus that results in a skin abnormality known as genital warts. There are various kinds of these viruses, examples are HPV 16, 18, 31, and many more. But the most common type is the HPV 6 and 11, which is a lot safer than the others first mentioned, because they tend to have lower risks of developing into cancer. With so many types of viruses, the good thing is that there are many options and genital wart treatment methods to cure them.
Therefore I have come up with some select and choice remedies for your genital wart treatment that you can follow up at your home, are easily available and will help remove your warts fast. Basically what you should do is use remedies which will clean your warts off the skin as well as heal the skin and keep it without the signs of any wart ever being present there.
Now strain your memory a little and lets fond out what is that which can do this. Got the answer? Right, it is aloe vera. You can very effectively use the juice of aloe vera to heal your warts. What you have to do is break of a leaf and squeeze out the sticky transparent juice from it.
There are many ways of genital wart treatment and self medicating is not advisable since it is very contagious. Even over the counter medicines should not be applied unless properly advised by your doctor. Some examples of the most common medicines used in treatment of genital warts are Alferon N, Condylox, Podofin, Veregen, Aldara, and Efudex. The drugs mentioned are mostly used in connection with certain treatment methods for treating the warts. The three most common methods used are cryotherapy, electrodessication, and laser treatment. But you have to know that these methods are still not a 100 percent sure way to completely stop the genital warts.
Wart oil. There are oils out there that can actually act as a genital wart treatment and remove your genital warts very effectively. Some of them are Thuja and Tea Tree oils. I have to warn you to be careful with these oils because they are very strong and potent. So to dilute them with vegetable oil or castor oil is recommended and here is how. Mix a half ounce Caster oil with half a teaspoon Thuja oil. Be sure to apply this mixture only to the wart. These solutions all take several weeks or maybe a month or two.
Learn more about how to get help with Curing HPV Genital Warts.