Ganglion Cyst Finger

A fluid-filled sac that grows in the fingers is known as “ganglion cyst finger”. Osteoarthritis is considered to be associated with this condition;plus, people who are 50-70 years are also prone to have this. The fingernails and the last finger joint are mostly the areas where ganglion cyst develops.

As mentioned, people with osteoarthritis are at high risk of having ganglion cyst finger. Doctors may say that the cause of these cysts is unknown or idiopathic. They as well don’t know precisely how these ganglion cysts form. Ganglion cyst finger is presumed to form due to the deteriorating connective tissues near the bones. Furthermore, in a connective tissue, there is a protein substance called collagen. The excess collagen is thought to gather and accumulate to form the cysts. There will be fluid transfer coming from the joints to the cyst.

The second treatment option is excision. In this procedure, a local anesthesia is being used before removing the entire cyst. It might be painful and you might observe a furrow in your fingernail over the cyst. The furrow is the pressure from the ganglion cyst on the nail bed and the skin above the cyst might have thinned.
The doctor may recommend different forms of ganglion cyst wrist surgery.

For diagnosis of the ganglion cyst finger, the doctor will ask for your past and present medical history, and examine your affected finger. Imaging test like x-ray is necessary for the physical examination of your finger. In the result of DIP x-ray, the doctor will notice a deterioration of the joints as related to OA (osteoarthritis). Also, the Heberden’s nodes may also be indicated during the test. These are just the bumps formed through bones spurs from the joints of the finger due to the osteoarthritis.

Approximately, 1/3 to 2/3 of ganglion cyst wrist just disappears even without medical management, but it is not a guarantee that it will not reappear again.Even if without any medical intervention and management, this will not threat one’s life. Also, it is not compulsory to undergo any surgical procedure unless you already feel a very severe pain or if there is already a rupture in the skin membrane.Needle puncture is also one way to treat the cyst. A needle is injected and the fluid is taken out in this process. Excision is another treatment, which eliminate the entire cyst and its peripheries. Surgery could typically be performed with a regional anesthesia, which means the finger becomes numb with used of Lidocaine, a local anesthetic. Surgeries for ganglion cyst finger may have several complications. A minor risk for infection exists in both procedures. The cyst may reappear after an excision but this is not common.

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