Find Pain Relief Using a Unique Set of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Exercises

If you’ve read many of our articles, it’s completely understandable that exercise in general can help your carpal tunnel. Unfortunately they aren’t nearly as effective as carpal tunnel exercises that are specifically designed to stretch the muscles and relieve the tension. so before you start lifting the weights, think about these exercises first if you have this frustrating syndrome.

Fist Flexion Exercises

Out of all the carpal tunnel exercises out there, the fist flexion is probably the most notarized. You may hear people call it the tendon gliding exercise, but either way it’s been known to give you instant relief from your carpal tunnel. The variation of the amount of time it allows you to feel comfortable is still up in the air, but there have been known cases that last as high as four hours.

All you have to do is have your hand open with all fingers touching one another, then curl the fingers down. This motion will go into a fist, then open up for a flat hang (like a puppet hand), then a straight fist. Each position should be held for a five second period before moving to the next part of the rotation. It’s recommended that you do this ten times.

Why Median Nerve Gliding Exercises

The other part of these carpal tunnel exercises is the median nerve gliding exercises. These stretch out your fingers a little more and are directed towards helping the median nerve. Just as the fist flexion exercise, the MN-gliding exercises can work as a relief for up to four hours as well. Plus you will notice a lot more muscles and tendons being worked in the hand and wrist.

First, you start by making a fist, and then you move your hand into an open hand position with your fingers and thumb out straight. Then take the time to bend your hand backwards at a diagonal, and then you’ll start moving your hand left to right, not moving your wrist at all. Finally, you’ll pull your thumb back for the best results.

When you are doing the MN gliding exercises, try holding each position for about five seconds. Then you’ll find that it gets easier and easier and you can hold them back for longer and longer stretches. Also remember, though, that if you are experiencing any pain at all that it is fine to stop. You can always try again later!

Final Word

In the end, either one of these carpal tunnel exercises can giving you the relief you need. Just keep in mind that these are short-term solutions. If you are experiencing pain and do them during the evening, it will most likely come back in the morning. Then again, if you start noticing positive results, it could spill over into continuous exercising this way. You’ll just have to wait and see.

Wouldn’t you like to find a easy, effective method for treating Carpal Tunnel Syndrome that doesn’t involve invasive, difficult to recover from traditional methods? Follow this link to unveil a easy set of carpal tunnel exercises that can help relieve your pain and ease your suffering.

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