The blue and red star bursts seen on the backs of the legs and thighs of many women are called spider veins, and the large blue ropey bulges are called varicose veins. Not only is this condition unsightly and embarrassing, the legs may ache at times, and feel hot to the touch. Spider veins are just below the surface of the skin and may be accidentally nicked while shaving. When this occurs, the bleeding may be profuse. Why some women get spider veins and others do not, is due in part to a hereditary condition called venous insufficiency. It seems to run in families, but the condition may also be due to environmental factors as well. Normally, arteries in the legs pump blood back to the heart as it sends oxygen throughout the body. But with a poor venous system, the arteries in the legs don’t pump efficiently, and that causes the veins to become extended from excess blood. Although spider veins may also be caused from this insufficiency, more often they are caused from environmental factors and personal habits, such as standing too long in one position, too much sun, hot baths, pregnancy, and being overweight.

Natural spider vein treatments include eating a high-fiber diet, maintaining healthy body weight, exercising, taking adequate quantities of vitamins E and C, refraining from sitting or standing for extended periods of time, not crossing one’s legs upon sitting, avoiding overexposure to sun and cold, and wearing compression stockings and loose clothing. All helpful spider vein treatment approaches, but not enough.

But it just isn’t older women hiding body parts and looking for an effective varicose vein treatment. It can happen to people younger than age 50. Shorts, T-shirts, and tank tops are boxed up and tossed in the back of closets. Today you don’t have to suffer and live with those ugly varicose veins. Varicose vein treatments are available; some are natural – some not so much.

The enlarged spider leg veins can be reduced naturally by the use of exercise to promote better blood circulation. Exercising each day promotes the correct and continual circulation of the blood through the veins. Exercising the legs is most important for this health issue, so activities like walking or leg lifts are extremely beneficial. Also, weight gain after an event like pregnancy contributes to spider leg veins. Losing weight can reduce the effects of spider leg veins.

A healthy diet is another way to naturally treat spider leg veins. Foods that are high in cholesterol can clog veins causing a greater restriction in blood flow. Diets with high ratios of fruits and vegetables supply needed vitamins, which help with spider leg veins. Vitamin K increases vein flexibility and is instrumental in healing blood-clotting issues. Other vitamins that can help cure spider leg veins are vitamins A, C, and D.

The last solutions that I have found is Venovil. This is based on working on the problem from the inside out. This supplement is packed with flavonoids, the same items that help from berries. This supplement to help reduce spider veins is also high in enzymes that help get rid of the cause of these spider veins.

Looking to find info on Varicose Eczema, then go to our site to find the best info on Are Your Feet Killing You? for you.

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