Facts And Solutions To Cure Foot Odor

The annoying smell that emanates from the feet of some people is known as foot odor. This is actually the result of trapped bacteria reproducing and multiplying when shoes are constricted and no proper ventilation is provided in the footwear. Since there has been little or no research done on the subject, looking to get rid of this condition can be a difficult proposition.

A podiatric doctor will be the right person to correct the problem after diagnosis. He will be able to detect the source that is mostly biological and offer proper treatment to kill the odor and infection. The issue can be embarrassing and so it is necessary to find solutions to effectively treat the problem at the root. It is feasible to mask the problem temporarily by wearing inserts in your shoes but this does not eliminate the bacteria. It is essential to eliminate the bacteria, which are the root cause and prevent the same from reproducing.

A good health professional or an herbalist practicing in your area will be the best bet for solving the foot odor problem, especially if it becomes a chronic condition. Try using any one of the regulated herbal solutions suggested in this article to systemically eliminate possible foot odor.

A good tip is to soak your feet in a solution of hot water in a tub, to which one third cup of apple cider vinegar is added. This could work to manage the odor if you repeat the process for some times during the week. Another effective option is the use of baking soda. Try sprinkling a bit, before getting into your shoes as it absorbs the odor. Tannin is an effective astringent, which is useful. Boil water quickly and add 5 teabags into it. When it cools down, soak your feet in this solution for approximately 30 minutes. It is great for managing the amount of perspiration your feet produce.

Natural yogurt produces a living culture, which is perfect for fighting fungal infections. Kefir is yet another source, which can be drunk every day. Juice should be extracted from 24 radishes. To achieve this, include one fourth of a teaspoon of glycerin. Pour the liquid into a bottle that has a squirt or spray-top. This can be used efficiently to remove foot odor or as deodorant for underarms. It is important to try to take about 15 milligrams daily of zinc. You might get this in your multi-vitamin or as a supplement and after about a couple weeks find a marked improvement in odor elimination. It is because zinc has the properties to make the skin bacteria-resistant and dispel the odor.

Effectively stop foot odor from prosthetics and sports equipment like football pads, golf bags, and skates with the help of foot odor and foot odor remedies.

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