Examples of Fun Tennis Drills

Tennis camps undoubtedly are a little different than other tennis clinics or tennis instruction. A main goal of the camp counselors is to discover fun tennis drills that are entertaining. Tennis teachers need to make sure that youngsters have a great experience during tennis camps. Tennis instructors frequently have a problem discovering new thrilling and fun tennis drills. Here I will discuss some examples of very good tennis drills that are engaging and entertaining.

The first drill is known as “Around the World”. Participants separate into two even teams to side A and B. Each team makes 1 line behind their baseline. The teacher feeds the ball in to the first player in line on side B, who hits the ball over then moves around the court to the end of the line on side A. The first person in each line hits 1 ball only and runs around the same way. After a player hits a fault, he’s out of the game (he can collect balls). The final player standing is the winner. This may be a great tennis drill for advanced beginner children.

The next fun tennis drill is called “Fill the Court”. Competitors separate yet again into two even teams to side A and B. Every team makes just one line behind their baseline. The teacher feeds the ball in from the net post, and the first participants in each line play out rally against one another on the singles side. The losing person goes out and to the end of the line. The successful player stays on and brings in the next person in line to aid him win the next point. Should they succeed once again, they can bring in a next person and so forth. The group that can bring all its players into play wins the exercise. At any time a group loses a point, they go back to 1 player. This is a great drill when one court consists of a lot of competitors.

The last exercise is named “Jabba the Hut”. Just six players are used for this exercise with three player groups on each side. A single player in each team kneels down at the T on their side. The other participants start at the baseline. The pro feeds the ball from the net post to one of the baseline players. The two teams play out the point with one another for 1 point each. If during the rally either of the two kneeling players hit the ball over and goes in, their team immediately gains three points no matter if they lose the point ultimately. The very first team to 21 points is the winner. This can be a very popular tennis game.

Tennis teachers have to make sure they keep their camps up to date with newer fun tennis drills. If the kids are having fun, they will be back again for the following camps.

You can discover a number of good sources available on the net about multi court tennis drills. This article gives good info on multi court tennis drills.

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