Eight Friends Of Night Sweats.

Doctors often have to listen to complaints about night sweats. Night sweating means complaints about excessive sweating at night. Here we do not mind sweating that occurs in the event that you are too wrapped up or sleep in a stuffy room.

There are many varied causes of night sweats that are not entirely harmless:

Menopause. The so-called “hot flashes” that accompany menopause are a common cause of night sweats in women. During menopause in a woman’s body rapid changes in the levels of hormones undergo. The most pronounced changes are associated with the deficiency (lack) of estrogen and androgen hormones, produced mainly by the ovaries.

Idiopathic hyperhidrosis is a mysterious condition in which your body is constantly producing large amounts of sweat without apparent medical reason.

Infections. Traditionally, night sweats are associated with tuberculosis. However, this phenomenon may accompany lesion of the heart valves, osteomyelitis (inflammatory changes of the bones) and even AIDS.

Cancer. Night sweats can be an early symptom of malignant diseases. Sweating accompany lymphoma very often. Night sweats associated with cancer are often accompanied by loss of body weight.

Medicines. Antidepressants can cause night sweats in 8 -22% of patients. Perspiration is caused by antipyretics such as aspirin and acetaminophen: other diaphoretic – niacin, tamoxifen, hydralazine, nitroglycerin, prednisolone, and even Viagra.

Hypoglycemia. Sometimes the reduction of glucose level in blood can cause night sweats. People who take insulin or tableted antidiabetic agents may have decrease of glucose in blood and, accordingly, increased sweating.

Hormonal disorders – sweating may be accompanied by pheochromocytoma, argentaffinoma syndrome and improving thyroid function.

Neurological disorders. Sweating often goes hand in hand with serious illnesses of the nervous system: autonofomous dysreflexia, post-traumatic syringomyelia, stroke, and autonomic neuropathy.

So, as you have seen, night sweating may have very serious causes which must be taken into account, especially if they last for a long time. Be attentive to your health and visit doctors in time.

Enduring menopause night sweats, sleepless nights or trying to save money on your air conditioning? It is possible to stop those hot nights and sweating at night, and start sleeping cooler.

Night sweats can be caused by medical conditions, drugs, people may be just a hot sleeper – luckily the online network can suggest lots of info about how to terminate night sweats all together and purchase a remedy for it.

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