Climacteric Night Sweating. A Few Advices.

The physiological changes during menopause include such inconveniences as excessive night sweating, lack of sleep, high blood pressure, fatigue. A woman may experience the so-called “hot flashes” – fever, which instantly can go to chill. Such behavior of the organism is associated with a change in hormonal level. And if during the day an unpleasant syndrome can be controlled, then it is very difficult to cope with night sweating, which provokes insomnia.

Despite the fact that menopause – is the normal and temporary phenomenon, unfortunately, in some cases it brings not only discomfort but also promotes the emergence of such ailments as hyperhidrosis. Profuse sweating at night – is not only constantly wet clothes and discomfort, as a rule – it’s disturbed sleep, decreased performance, poor memory.

If the symptoms of menopause are protracted, be sure to ask your doctor for advice. To prevent night sweats and correct the sleep, it is possible by following a few practical tips.

1. Use only cotton bed linen. All synthetic materials: nylon, satin, polyester are ill breathable and unable to retain moisture. If chill often worries, prepare the cotton light blanket so that you can take refuge in sleep.

2. Underwear should be made of natural fabrics. Short sleeves and knee-length – are welcome. It is best to prepare spare clothes in advance, so as not to lose time on the night dressing.

3. Place a thin towel at the head to get rid of sweat on the face and remove hot flashes.

4. Before going to sleep always take a sedative or herbal tea, infused with sage.

5. If sleep is interrupted, try to lie with closed eyes, being in slumber.

6. Before bed apply antiperspirants, which contribute to the normalization of the sweat glands.

These simple tips will help you feel better during sleep and significantly ease the discomfort during menopause.

Suffering from menopause night sweats, sleepless nights or trying to save money on your air conditioning? You can stop those hot nights and sweating at night, and start sleeping cooler.

Night sweats can be caused by medical conditions, drugs, people may be just a hot sleeper – luckily the Internet can suggest much info about how to prevent night sweats all together and buy a remedy for it.

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