Creatine Review – 4 Important Questions About Creatine Use

The information is given through research and experience with creatine and its side effects. Creatine has been used by body builders, strength trainers and athletes for many years. It is though to be one of the safest and most effective muscle / strength building supplements on the market.

What is creatine?
Creatine is naturally produced in the human body from three amino acids (L-arginine, glycine, and L-methionine) and is processed primarily in the kidney and liver. It is transported in the blood for use by muscles. The main food sources of creatine are fish and red meat. However, the amount of creatine in food is much less then the amount need to obtain its maximum benefits.

How does creatine supplementation benefit the user?
When the amount of creatine in the body increase, muscle hydration also occurs, causing an increase in lean body mass. This increased muscle hydration creates an energy reservoir in the phosphocreatine, which allows the body to endure more intense exercise routines. After working out (breaking the muscle down) the muscles must repair and grow. The muscle grows best in a hydrated environment, because creatine creates a this environment creatine supplements enhance protein synthesis and muscle growth.

Creatine supplements are sometimes used by athletes, bodybuilders, and others who wish to gain muscle mass, typically consuming 2 to 3 times the amount that could be obtained from a very-high-protein diet.

Although it comes in many different forms, the most common formula used for athletic purposes is creatine monohydrate. It is not a hormonal supplement like other legal steroids or prohormones.

-Does creatine have side effects?
Studies have shown that consumption of creatine does not cause any serious adverse side. Some people have reported to experience cramping, gas or bloating or possibly diarrhea when first the use of a creatine supplement. To avoid this is to drink plenty of water as well take the supplement with 8 ounces of water. Creatine also may reduce the hardness of the muscle, due to water retention. In my creatine review I have not experience the bloating or diarrhea side effect.

Whats right for me?
It depends on your goals. Usually creatine monohydrate is combined with glucose or another simple sugars to create an insulin spike and increase absorbtion of the creatine. This is fine if your goal is to bulk up, but not effective for those who are trying to cut carbs and lean out. An alternative is creatine ethyl ester which usually is more expensive, but does not have the simple sugars that creatine monhydrate has. Creatine ethyl ester also has a faster absorption rate than creatine monohydrate.

What to watch out for.
Heavy metals, such as mercury, cadmium and lead sometimes go into cheap or poorly-made creatine products. When making a purchasing decision make sure to purchase only pure creatine monohydrate as poorly-made supplements can contain many heavy metal toxins. It is important to give your own creatine review to ensure that you are getting a good product.

Drink Your Water!

Build Muscle
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