Combat IBS With a Good Diet

Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a very common medical disorder plaguing many people ” both men and women alike. The sometimes excruciating symptoms of gas, bloating, abdominal cramping, constipation, and diarrhea ” or sometimes alternating periods of both, often make the IBS victim unwilling to seek the advice of a health care professional for IBS relief. Often times, doctors will dismiss IBS symptoms as being nervous stomachs or misdiagnosis them as a stomach bug, prompting unneeded antibiotic treatment. Other doctors still believe IBS is in the head, a manifestation of psychological illness. But no matter is causing your IBS pain and discomfort, IBS sufferers need real IBS relief.

Your Doctor may suspect that you have IBS due to your symtoms. There are specific symptoms that a doctor will look for which is called the “Rome Criteria”. Your doctor may order other medical tests to be sure that you don’t have another health problem that causes the same symptoms. To diagnose IBS you may be asked to take some blood tests and a physical exam. Some other tests that may be included are a Lower Gastrointestinal (GI) Series, which x-rays your abdomen to see any problems in the Large Intestine. Another test is a Colonoscopy, which is when the doctor inserts a tiny camera into your colon to take pictures to see if there are any problems there.

IBS is a disease that can easily be misdiagnosed because there currently is no laboratory test or imaging test that doctors can use to help diagnose it. IBS symptoms are the main driver for diagnosis and this makes a doctor’s task more difficult since the disease shares so many characteristics with other illnesses. IBS is often mistaken for a number of other diseases including infectious diseases, parasites, food allergies, or lactose intolerance. IBS symptoms also closely mimic the symptoms of a patient with celiac disease.

The reason why Bavolex is unique, is because it has been proven to be more effective than other products and it is scientifically formulated. Bavolex contains plant extracts and enzymes that are specifically targeted towards certain angles in relieving IBS. Some of these ingredients consists of:

Regular Exercise
We now know that stress is a factor that causes IBS, stress management can be controlled by exercising daily and by using relaxation techniques. Physical exercise works the bowel muscles and this is very beneficial for constipation. Some examples of exercises includes simple stretches, walking, stretching and yoga are all very helpful in relieving IBS.

Some IBS sufferers have turned to Bavolex ” a natural remedy IBS relief, and found herbal relief.

Looking to find info on ibs herbal remedy – Hypnosis Relieves Symptoms of IBS, then visit our site to find the latest information on IBS and Colon Cleansing for you.

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