Spider Leg Veins

Varicose and spider veins are common medical complaints that result when blood flow from outlying parts of the body back to the heart becomes compromised. Veins in the leg are the most commonly affected, particularly on the back of the calf. These veins contain a series of leaflet valves that allow only upward blood movement. Transport of blood up the leg to the heart proceeds via ladder-like steps through this series of valves. Varicose and spider veins result when vein walls develop poor tone, causing valve malfunction. Blood then stalls out on its upward journey and may even move down the leg. Valve malfunction in smaller vessels produces spider veins. In larger ones, varicose veins result. The characteristic color of varicose and spider veins, observable only for veins near the surface, derives from the bluish-red tint of oxygen-depleted venous blood.

Pain from varicose and spider veins indicates leakage of fluid through weakened vein walls, which swells adjacent tissues. Elevating legs above heart level alleviates this pain. Alternatively, applying cold compresses to varicose and spider veins or submerging feet and legs in chilled water expels pooled blood by triggering vasoconstriction. Both elevation and cold therapy produce immediate but temporary relief.

Other product in the market suggestive to be effective for varicose veins removal is the Vitamin K cream. The cream is applied to the skin and absorbed by the fat and then will travel to the bloodstream. Vitamin K helps maintain normal coagulation in the body and prevents the hardening of the arteries and swelling thus preventing varicose veins

There are also herbal remedies to this problem. One of the most effective herbs that has been used is the Horse Chestnut. This is more of a topical use type of herb. Some experimenters have cited this as the most effective treatment for varicose veins. Another herb that can be used to treat this problems is Butcher’s Broom. This herb is used to promote blood flow. It can also be used as a topical herb or it can be used as an internal remedy too.

Compression stockings are pantyhose socks designed to help with varicose veins removal. It gives comfort, and it promotes better circulation. They are generally recommended for busy people who sit, stand or travel for long hours. Physicians support its use as a preventative measure and after having sclerotherapy to avoid the reappearance of spider veins and varicose veins.

The last solutions that I have found is Venovil. This is based on working on the problem from the inside out. This supplement is packed with flavonoids, the same items that help from berries. This supplement to help reduce spider veins is also high in enzymes that help get rid of the cause of these spider veins.

Learn more about Spider vein cream – Spider vein cream: How does it help?. Stop by our website where you can read all about Are Your Feet Killing You? .

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